17 - Grimaldo

37 7 35



Monday, May 31

Jordan walked alone. Raul, the hiking partner he'd begun trekking with at Merida, had to stop and heal, but Jordan had a deadline to arrive in Salamanca. He missed his friend. He remembered how much they enjoyed each other, their shared humor, and the challenges they faced together. 


From Merida, the walks had been long. They averaged over 23 miles. After the second day, Raul had blisters. Jordan had been using stretch tape on his sore spots to prevent the rubbed areas from turning worse. But Raul already had some blisters from walking the Camino Mozarabe, and many deteriorated on those long segments, shredding or becoming blood blisters. He needed a break. After arriving in Caceres, they showered, washed clothes, changed, then met for dinner.

"I am sorry Jordan. I have enjoyed our conversations. Perhaps I will catch up with you in Salamanca while you stay there for two weeks during your Spanish class."

"I would enjoy that. I have welcomed your company during the time we've walked together. But you seem to have some options for learning about the history of Spain while you rest here in Caceres. I know of your interest in architecture and past influences. This city is a U.N. World Heritage site, with its long history, cathedral, Roman background, and even a palace where Queen Isabella and King Fernando once lived."

"Si. All of this is true. So if I stay here a couple of days, both my feet and my soul will be happier."

Just then, a hospitalero came by. The name tag she wore said "Danele". She asked the pair for their dinner orders.

Jordan said, "Menu del dia, por favor."

"You are British?" she asked.

"American now, but I grew up in England."

Raul ordered the same pilgrim's meal.

"You must be from Spain," she said.

"I am. And Danele, you have a beautiful name."

Jordan smiled at the line. She was cute.

"Is it Basque?" Raul asked.

"Si. Like Daniela in Spanish, but I prefer the Basque version. I am from San Sebastian."

"I have been there," said Raul. "Your city has a beautiful harbor, with a tall curved entrance to its bay, like a Basque welcome. It produces much that is beautiful, including its women." He smiled. "I prefer your name Danele as well."

She smiled, and her face lit up. She would have gotten lots of attention from many men, but Raul was making a connection. Danele was dark most everywhere. Her wavy hair was black, parted in the middle, and reached her shoulders. Her deep brown eyes twinkled when she smiled. Her bronze skin looked like it tanned easily and was a dramatic contrast to her white blouse and shorts. But her nails and lip gloss were a lighter brown, an unusual color choice that worked in contrast with the color of her skin. She must have had many interested travelers, but Raul's familiarity with her region helped to set him apart. "I am glad you have visited our Pais Vasco, as we call it. Where are you from?"
"Cordoba. My name is Raul. I am an English teacher at a high school in the city."

"I have been there once, to play in a tennis tournament when I was younger, before I had knee surgery."

"I am sorry about your knee. I also played tennis in school, so maybe we were in the same tournament?" He mentioned the name of a tennis club, and she nodded in agreement. "Danele, I have some minor injuries, so I must stay in Caceres for a couple of days. Perhaps you could show me some of its historical sites, and we could talk about Spain's tennis to ensure that our country succeeds in the future even without the two of us?"

Love at Spain's Iron CrossHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin