13 - Whirlwind

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Friday, May 28

Subtract Luis, add Spain.

Makena woke up bleary-eyed but clear on her goal, if not her emotions. It all seemed overwhelming.

How could this have happened?

She felt all the emotional turmoil, but her friends wisely got her acting immediately as the remedy. No just sitting around moping. Bayou and Delta kept her moving. The sisters agreed they would alternate running errands and watching Makena. She wasn't left alone for a minute. The twins had lots of their to-do list already complete, just final packing and such. So they helped Makena write hers and immediately began completing items even before she had thought them all through:

Phone in sick today at school. Teacher workday only. Already cleaned classroom. Must finish inputting a few grades online from home. Won't be near that bitch, Deborah, thank god. I want a better job anyway.

Call Mom and Dad and cancel wedding. Dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. Store my car at their place.

Plane tickets, seats, passport. Don't need a visa for Spain. See documents list for other stuff.

Pack everything needed. See old list from last month.

Condo. Call locksmith. Luis doesn't have mailbox key so just replace door lock. Plan for utilities, mail. Get new cell phone or at least change the number. Can't let Luis be able to contact me.

Get rid of all of his stuff. Boxes to USPS. Won't be delivered till Tuesday. I'll send everything to his gym so there's guaranteed acceptance and leave a note taped to condo door so he'll find out what's up.

Review options for revenge. Options somewhat within the law and my ethics, decide on action plan.

Other? There will be something. But the LeBlanc sisters will get me through this.

When Makena first showed her list to the twins. Delta said, "All you needed was number eight." Then they laughed and got down to work. The locksmith was able to come that day. New bolts and keys. Luis was shut out. Makena was able to change her cell phone and get a new number. They would also make it to the post office tomorrow before it closed. Everything belonging to her ex would be gone by then.


At seven o'clock, Makena and Bayou drove together to her parents' home. The twins still made sure she had company and support, even when driving. Delta followed in her car and picked up her sister. The twins waved to Makena's folks, saying they would be back about nine after dining with their boyfriends.

Makena had talked with her parents earlier, so they already knew what was going on. Annika hugged Makena first, then Lars held his daughter. She began crying again, but this time it didn't last as long.

They sat out on the deck of their split-level home, looking in the direction of the fading sun during the longer days of late May. The huge expanse of water provided a peaceful backdrop in contrast to Makena's inner turbulence.

"Oh, my darling. Are you all right?" Annika asked. As tall as her daughter, she looked like an older version of Makena, with some wrinkles after fifty years, but blue eyes that communicated love and sympathy.

"N-n-no, but it hurts less than yesterday, and will keep getting better."

Annika said, "I'm sorry. That was a stupid question. We're just worried about you." Lars nodded.

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