48 - Ferreiros

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Friday, July 2

"Good morning," Jordan whispered to Makena on the upper bunk, seeing her stir. "Hard to believe, but they've put an enormous breakfast buffet out for everyone already." Her eyes opened wide and she gave him one of her signature smiles, then she nodded and got moving.

All others remained sleeping, so they attacked the food alone. The spread looked ridiculous. Cafe con leche, of course. But muesli with yogurt and a variety of fruit. The raisins and nuts were standard, but peaches and kiwi? Neither could stop grinning. Then when the hostess came down and brought hot banana bread, they thought they were in heaven. Jordan finished a piece quickly, then started to say, "In the interest of science."

And Makena, laughing, finished, "We must see if the second is as good as or better than the first!"

"Fortunately we cover so many miles. This is a lot of food but impossible to resist," said Jordan.

"Self-control is overrated," said Makena. "I am beginning to fill up." She puffed out her cheeks.

Jordan laughed. "You'd be a really cute balloon."

She smiled. "I'm glad we burn off so many calories from all our hiking. Makes eating more fun!"

"Yeah," said Jordan. "I don't have my teenage metabolism anymore. So walking and running are my positive addictions."

Makena said, "Exercise, sports, and staying fit are important to us."

"Agreed. It has become a habit, one that we both value." She nodded.

A short while later, they packed up and departed. They stopped by the desk on their way to offer their gratitude to the owners. "Easily the best food I have had on the Camino," said Makena. Jordan seconded that.

They walked across the low valley, shrouded by the early morning mist. It added a dreamlike quality to the woodlands that surrounded them. Jordan said, "Our path begins to climb soon, about a thousand foot gain over three miles, so I imagine that we won't be talking or singing too much on the steep ascent. Okay if I start a brief Camino conversation?"

She nodded. "I like having them with you. I've gotten to know you better in a shorter time than anyone else I have ever met before in my life."

"Last night at El Beso, I hope you felt comfortable with me. I don't want you feeling cornered, or..."

She knew where he was going with the statement. "I wanted to kiss you. It was a fun excuse, like standing under the mistletoe. That moment was fine and felt right. I'm still processing this journey, and am not ready to do anything else with you. I don't want you to feel rejected, but I also don't want our friendship to become more, either. Not yet." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm just not ready for anything like that. Still feeling some fear from the old pain. I hope you can understand because it's not due to you. Having said that, I'd like you to know that you're a good kisser." She laughed.

Jordan exhaled. "Okay. Good. Another Camino conversation. I'm not feeling in a hurry with you or anything. I'm enjoying our friendship, our talks, and getting to know you better. I don't need anything else from you. I was worried last night that Paula and Pedro might have pushed us into something that felt awkward."

"Thanks for bringing it up. There you go again with those intuitive insights." She smiled.

"I'm not always this thoughtful, but I'm trying to channel my inner mind reader."

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