62 - Miracle

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Tuesday, June 13 (afternoon)

Makena sat in the hospital room. Jordan was asleep. At times he seemed to stir but was only dreaming. He had not talked in his sleep during the past week, but now that changed. He looked restless, uncomfortable. Makena watched him, concerned, and listened to his mumbling. It sounded like he said, "I love you." It was soft, almost unintelligible. Then he said it again. "I love you." He seemed to relax, then continued to slumber.

He's dreaming about his wife, Oriana. Whatever gives you peace, Jordan. Just be okay. I need you alive and well. Makena was tired, more emotionally exhausted than anything. When he shoved her away from the car, she moved in the direction he pushed but had then looked over her shoulder behind her. She saw how close she had been to the sedan, as it skidded by inches from her. Makena saw him land on the hood, and could almost feel his skull hit the windshield. It had been loud. She could hear and feel the pain although directly experiencing none of it herself. She had never seen anything like that. But the thought of maybe losing him had heightened the awareness of her own feelings. I am in love with you, Jordan. Complete and total abdication of my heart. I am certain. I love you. Please, oh please come back to me. Please.

She drifted off. Makena played the accident over in her own mind, experiencing it all over again. A nightmare. But he had saved her. She woke up, aware of a sound. She looked and saw him, restless once more.

"No," he said. "Look out! No-o-o-o. Oh, no. Makena. No! Makena, I love you. Please be all right."

What did he say? He loves me? He loves me!

Jordan shifted, grimaced, and started to open his eyes. He focused. "Makena, is that you?" She nodded, beginning to cry. "Oh no, are you hurt? Do we need a doctor? Doctor!" he spoke loudly.

She laughed, pulled her chair over, gently took his hand in one of hers, and touched his cheek softly with her other hand. "Jordan, I'm fine, thanks to you. I"m totally fine. I was scared for you, that's all. And now I"m happier than I've been in what seems like forever. I was afraid you had died. So to see you alive and conscious is wonderful. I'm just a little overwhelmed, is all."

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you everything, but first I have something to say. I can't believe that you just woke up and the first thing you did was worry about me. Just listen to me, Jordan Everest. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. And don't you ever do that again! Don't go saving my life and almost end up dying yourself instead. I love you and I want to be with you forever, and you have to stay alive from now on. I can't lose you."

Jordan started laughing. "You're okay and you love me? This isn't a dream?"

"No. It's no dream. But seeing you awake and I think all okay feels like a dream come true."

"Well, Makena Nielsen, I love you too. I have for weeks. Maybe not the first day when you just about bit my head off. But I think it was at the Iron Cross when I watched you open your heart and I felt the good inside of you. I knew you had your guard up but sensed what was there, and knew you were worth waiting for. I couldn't have articulated that at the time. I wasn't ready. But looking back, it's what I felt. When we left Santiago, I knew for sure, but didn't say anything because I thought it would scare you."

She smiled. "Yes, I also knew you were something special when we visited the Iron Cross. After I realized that you weren't just another guy who only cared about sex or adding me to his list of conquests, I felt something for you. I was so afraid of feeling again, but not anymore. I don't know why it took watching you almost die. I thought if I'd lost you, I wasn't sure I wanted to go on. But now, no looking back. I love you. Forever." She leaned down, and they kissed, tenderly, as if Makena wanted to make sure she didn't hurt him.

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