60 - End of the Earth

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End of the Earth

Monday, June 12

The plan was for a relaxing day off, but Makena woke up feeling anxious. "Mom told me she would email me about contacting the wife of her colleague. I'd like to check before we go to breakfast, just in case."

Jordan touched her cheek. "Of course. The restroom is yours. I'll join you soon when I'm done."

She got going and headed off to use a computer. He got ready next, then followed her downstairs a little later.

Makena was just shutting the monitor down. She grabbed her notebook, which was both her journal and a place to note ideas. "Mom got through, and the principal wants to interview me at 5:30 today, before dinner. It will be 8:30 a.m. in Seattle then. The principal made it clear that she has other people scheduled this week, and can't make a decision until Friday since the application window closes on the 15th. But I have a chance. I'm excited. She says it would be teaching Spanish I and II, plus the head coaching job in soccer."

"Awesome. Let's go get some breakfast and talk about it."

She nodded. They sat and ordered.

"This is high school instead of middle school?"

She nodded. "Yes. Island High School, where I graduated from with Delta and Bayou!"

"That's awesome. What might the principal ask you?"

"I expect she will ask me about instructing Spanish, especially how I'll get the students engaged."

"Makes sense. What will you say?"

"I'll have the kids pretend they are in Mexico or Spain. I'll make it a rule that there's no English allowed when talking in my classes, just like when traveling. And I'll use Total Physical Response ideas, so they learn to act out the words. Research shows the combo of styles improves learning, so I'll combine lively activities with reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Also daily accountability. Low stakes quizzes but frequent ones."

"Good. I'll bet the principal will appreciate your use of research-based practices."

"Agreed. And I'll make it fun. Maybe include some travel connections for fun and cultural instruction, like a mini Camino, the Mayan Pyramids, and Machu Picchu in Peru. Also celebrations, like Dia de los Muertos near Halloween, and Mexico's two independence days: the 16th of September and Cinco de Mayo."

"Just avoid bringing in margaritas!"

She laughed.

He wondered, "Think she'll ask about classroom management?"

Makena nodded. "Yes. Guaranteed. Good reminder." She explained how she would work with behavior.

"What else?" he asked.

"We'll have textbooks, vocabulary, verb conjugations, dialogue practice, and work with pronunciation." She gave some examples and made some notes. Jordan shared ideas from what he did with vocabulary when he taught English and she added some more ideas to her list. Gradually, she outlined a comprehensive plan.

"Looks like you have the Spanish aspect pretty much set."

She agreed. "I can add to this if I get ideas later, but I think I'm ready."

"How about the coaching part? Will she ask about that?"

"Yes. The athletic director will be part of the phone call interview."

"What's your plan?"

Makena shared. She had thought this through. Jordan made a couple of minor suggestions, but it was clear that she had considered how she wanted to coach for some time.

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