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Monday, May 31

They all slept in as planned, checked out of their rooms, then sat at a cafe, eating croissants in France. Soft, flaky, buttery croissants. Soft, flaky, buttery croissants. Mouth-watering croissants. Even the restaurant-savvy twins gave them high marks. The three friends added some eggs for protein, ate tiny European wedges of cheese, and drank just enough coffee. Delta took the lead in ordering food from the menu since she had studied French in high school, but they all tied for first in quantity consumption.

Bayou's German figured to be less useful on this trip. "Unless I meet a cute guy from Berlin!" Makena's Spanish would kick in tomorrow, once they crossed the Pyrenees into Spain.


The train they caught from Bayonne to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port departed at noon and would take just over an hour, paralleling the Nive River that began in the mountains above their destination. They arrived at the station early and saw an open piano in the lounge. A random person began to play beautifully. They all sat and listened to classical music for a while. Makena said, "I've never seen a public piano before. What a treat!"

The three climbed aboard when it was time, then sat in a large booth facing each other around a small table, with room for their packs beneath it. The passenger car started to fill up. Bayou sat on the far side, looking toward those entering, then she said, "Do you need a seat?"

A man replied, "Thanks." He dropped his pack as they had, and joined them. He was maybe forty, with short dark brown hair with a touch of gray at the temples, blue eyes, and a dark brown mustache. He stood about six feet tall, maybe 180 pounds or so. His skin was dark, his body heavily muscled. "I'm Ryan Murray."

The three women introduced themselves. Bayou asked, "Are you British?" She smiled broadly.

"Yes, from Wimbledon, a suburb of London. You must be Americans. Ready to trek the Camino?"

"We are," Bayou answered. "We're from Seattle. Are you walking it also?"

"I am. Excuse me, can you watch my stuff while I use the restroom before the train starts?"

"Sure," said Bayou. He got up and walked down the aisle, then disappeared.

"Bayou, you're flirting with him? But he's so old!" said Delta. "What are you doing?"

"He's way younger than our Dad. And his muscles. I've never been with an older man. I wonder how he would fit with me. Or how his mustache would feel. He must be so experienced. I could learn new things."

Makena laughed. "Somehow I think you'd figure out a way to teach him something as well."

Bayou looked up as he returned, and asked Ryan, "Have you hiked the Camino before?"

"Twice," he said. "Both times by myself. I used it as training before overseas postings with the army. But now that I'm retired, I'm walking to Leon where I'll meet my girlfriend, and we'll finish together."

Bayou made a face that Ryan couldn't see. Makena thought the twin had been hoping to finish with Ryan, in a manner of speaking.

This is hilarious. She's probably thinking about Delta's cunning linguist.

Ryan looked at her. "You're smiling."

"Oh," said Makena. "I was just thinking that you seem so young to be retired."

Good save.

"Just leaving the army. Put in my twenty years. Now I get a pension that will augment the income of whatever I do for my next job. I'll probably become a cop, or maybe work security, something like that."

Love at Spain's Iron CrossWhere stories live. Discover now