16 - Luis

45 7 29



Monday, May 31, near Seattle

Luis drove on the highway across the top of the Cascade Range, back to the city. His weekend had been wonderful, except for the glitch in misplacing his phone.

Where did I put it? Not sure. But I'll figure that out when I get home.

Life for Luis was good. Better than good. He thought of Sally.

She is so strong. As the gym's newest personal trainer, it was only fitting that I should help train her personally, no? 

Luis had plenty of action on the side and a gorgeous woman to come home to.

Not many platinum blondes in Argentina. Makena would make them all jealous. She's the sort of wife I deserve, a head-turner. And she's a gold mine. An only child of wealthy parents who will inherit everything from them one day. How many teachers at her age have no college debt, and own a paid-for condominium and a car bought with cash? They always take care of her, and now they'll do the same for me. After our July wedding, everything will be half mine forever. I'm sure I can get her parents to invest in my gym business ideas. I will wait to approach them about investing with me until after our honeymoon. Maybe Makena will become pregnant right away? Prospective grandparents will see me as her lifetime ticket, and an important part of their future too.

He smiled. All was well.


It was early afternoon when he arrived at the Green Lake condominium. He carried his bags up to the door in a drizzle. Seattle gray. He saw the envelope taped above the handle.

I'll grab that after I put my stuff inside and get out of this rain.

He fumbled for his keys, then grabbed one. But it didn't work in the lock. Wrong key. Tried another. No good. He looked carefully and now he was certain it was the right one. Still no luck.

What's going on?

He swore in Spanish. pulled the envelope out of the tape under the covered alcove, then he opened it. He read it once, swore again, then returned with his bags and the note to sit in his car. Inside, he read it once more:


May 29

Luis, you and I are finished. You promised me that you were a faithful man and that you wanted no one else, but you're a liar and a cheat. I learned of your affairs with Deborah, Sally, Maria, and the others on Facebook. I have been tested for STDs, and they should get themselves checked out medically too. I don't care what you do.

I have changed the locks and left. Your stuff has been boxed and mailed to your gym, and will arrive sometime on Tuesday. There is nothing of yours here, so stay away forever. Do not try to contact me, my family, or my friends. I hate you and neither want to see you nor hear from you ever again.



Luis sat in his car, stunned. He started swearing in Spanish, then in English. He beat his fists against the seats and yelled some more. Anyone walking by would have thought he was crazy, but no one was out in the rain. It took him some time to calm down. He started to reflect on his situation.

This can't be happening. I was only acting like so many Argentine men do. There is your wife, and there is sex. It's no big deal. I don't know why she is so upset. We just need to meet so she can listen to me. Makena will see how reasonable I am. We will work this out. We'll still get married.

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