44 - Villafranca

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Tuesday, June 29

As they left before sunrise, Jordan smiled at Makena, who returned it to him, but they said little. Each felt a little awkward as if a wall had grown between them. Finally, Jordan reminded himself he was on the Camino, the path where one took risks. "So, Makena, I was surprised to learn that the two from Tenerife were siblings. At first, I thought they were a couple."

She said, "Yes. I was caught off guard a little. I didn't talk with Anamaria much, but Jorge was polite."

"So, just to check in with you, if he or anyone else is someone you feel like getting to know better, just tell me. Now that we're friends, I want you to feel that I still honor your freedom."

Makena looked at him, nodding.

That must have been hard for him to say.

"First, I thank you for bringing this up. For someone who has said he isn't very intuitive, you're doing good." She smiled. "Second, Jorge wasn't propositioning me. I felt his interest even before he suggested I visit his island, yet I don't feel anything for him. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but it sounded like Anamaria was friendly toward you, too."

"Yeah, she was, but that's not what I want. I was happier at first thinking they were a couple, so I could relax. But right now I'm not looking for or needing anything or anyone. I enjoy the new friendship between us."

"Me too."

"So how do you want to handle this while we hike together?" Jordan looked a little nervous.

Makena paused a moment, took a deep breath, then said, "So it's time for me to meet you on the same level with your Camino conversation." She looked at him as they walked along the dirt road side-by-side. "Would it be weird if we pretend that we are a couple that doesn't do PDA (public displays of affection)? We could just say we're together, meaning to the two us as just friends, and let others assume what they will. We wouldn't be lying."

He smiled. "Okay, that would work for me. And with us, no public display of affection would mean no private display of affection, either."

She exhaled and nodded. "Perfect. You read my mind. Are you sure that you're a man?"

Jordan laughed. "Guaranteed. But I appreciate your friendship. I'm not in Spain looking for love. I'm just trying to heal from losing my wife. And you're helping. Thanks." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, clearly relieved.

"No, I'm the one who's grateful that you got us discussing this. The circumstances were different, but we're both recovering from a major loss, and your presence has helped me also a great deal. I mean it. Thanks." She smiled at him, also feeling more comfortable.

What an amazing man. If he hadn't brought it up, we'd have continued in such a weird space. Yet we talked it out. And I sense that he's being honest. Not hitting on me or anyone else. Hard to believe, and yet I do.

"How about a song?"

He nodded, thought a moment, then said, "Okay. I'll be James Taylor and you're Carole King, who wrote the song that both had recorded." Makena smiled and they began singing "You've Got a Friend". It was about helping one another, yet didn't feel too sappy. For the two of them, it rang true.

They stopped for breakfast in Camponaraya, about halfway to their destination. The walls that had threatened to form between them had instead disappeared.

"Makena, how did you end up becoming a teacher?"

"Well, growing up, the models I had were my Dad as the Boeing engineer and my Mom as the Microsoft computer scientist. I have some interest in both professions because of them. But since you know about my stuttering, that's the reason. Some educators were more patient with me than others, and I appreciated that. The music teacher knew how singing would help me with it. She not only encouraged me but also explained why so that I knew I had a go-to in case of anxiety."

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