33 - Upset

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Wednesday, June 16

They walked to Spanish class on what looked like a day that would become hot. Jordan said, "Thanks again for teaching me so much about art in the gallery yesterday. Even if you had taken up my prior offer to hire you, it would have been worth it. But I'm lucky that I don't have to pay you hourly and am getting off so easily with just buying you dinner on Friday."

Grace reacted with her infectious laugh that had Jordan wishing he could create it at will. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do for a downtrodden minority mix of backgrounds from Nepal, England, and America such as yourself. But to reduce your guilt, I think I've found a restaurant with a ten-course meal prepared for only a little more than a thousand Euros. Oh, and that's per person."

She had Jordan laughing equally as hard. "Perfect. That's a bargain. I trust that such an event will earn me your guided tour of that restaurant, as we explore both the visual and gastronomic arts experience."

"Certainly. I will have it all prepared as a video recording so we can listen to my explanation while we're eating. Don't want to spoil your worth in helping me relax around a man. The presentation will be less than twelve hours, finishing around sunrise, so you'll be able to set off back on the Camino that morning."

"Thank you, Grace. You are a considerate soul."

"It's the Irish in me. I aim for perfection." They both chuckled.


They were thus prepared for humor when they walked into the class. Their professor, Luis Santana, started right away. "Bienvenidos. I wish to invite you to the funeral service tomorrow. We will acknowledge the efforts of Switzerland and its worth in providing us with such fine people as Johann. So it will be only right to bury them with honor and let them rest in peace. I will make the first toast and wish them a full recovery."

Johann was ready. "Nein. Spain must win today. The pressure is on them as the last Euro Cup champions. Tiny Switzerland awaits. We have nothing to lose, so look for a major upset. David versus Goliath. Fear the warriors from the Alps!"

"Well, I am usually modest," said Luis. "It is true that when Spain won the last European soccer competition two years ago, they did so staying undefeated in both the group stages and the elimination round. And having the highly esteemed coach from Barcelona as the manager of the national team helps. But I must be a role model by demonstrating a sense of humility, and I'm sure we all consider the Swiss a worthy opponent, no? During the sports bar extension of today's Spanish lesson, accompanied by liquid refreshments during the game, I trust that we may find a way to overcome our international differences and maintain respect. I hope that Switzerland's team keeps its pride after their loss to Spain today."

"Ja, and for my part, I also hope that our good professor can maintain his customary Buddha-like calm in the face of what will be one of the biggest surprises in this year's World Cup. The underdogs shall bite but only leave teeth marks. There is no need for blood as we inflict damage. Remember, we only need a tie to cause Professor Santana to be 'upset', as you all know," said Johann.

The class was laughing and taking sides. Well, okay, there was almost no one on the side of the Swiss, nor any other opposition to Spain, in part because that country was hosting them for the duration of their coursework. But it didn't matter. Being able to joke in Spanish class improved the attitudes and learning experience for all.


Mary, Robert, Grace, and Jordan sat in the restaurant with a good view of the television, and near enough to Luis and Johann to overhear their banter before and during the game. "So Robert, did you play soccer as a kid before you focused on one sport to become a teaching professional in golf?" asked Jordan.

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