37 - Jesus

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Tuesday, June 22

Makena, Marta, her mother, and both aunts all walked together, continuing along the Roman road paralleling the highway. Intermittent clouds permitted the early sun through. A few birds glided in the gentle breeze. All was peaceful. They drank water and snacked. Makena read that they were on Spain's plateau, surprised to learn that the elevation was 2600 feet above sea level. The net gain over a few days had been so gradual that she hadn't noticed.

Talking with Marta was a treat. She was like a soccer sponge. "Okay, Makena, I understand. I must be as good with my left foot as I am with my right, so I'm strong on both sides. My coaches said this but never had the time to explain its purpose like you're doing. Now I understand why I must improve my left side also."

"Sí," said Makena. "In a game, do what feels best. But in practice, use your weak side more often until they're nearly equal. Then your opponents will have more trouble defending you. You become unpredictable."

Marta nodded. Her mother and aunts smiled at each other in agreement with the advice. The American was a fine mentor for their teenager. They would be sad to take their leave from her tomorrow.

When they had completed the seventeen miles for the day, Makena made a plan to meet them all for dinner, then did her own thing. After hanging up her laundry to dry, she used the pay computer and read.


Dear Makena,

We had the service yesterday (Sunday, probably a couple of days ago for you by the time you read this). Over two hundred people showed up. Grandmother Blanche was adored by many.

The best part was the stories. Anyone who wished to do so shared something about her. It took a while, over two hours, but it was like being at a show. We heard about how she grew up, got married, and the raising of kids. Mom was part of that, laughing and crying. There were tales from those she had helped and others who gained insight from her. We had a turn too. I got up and shared what I loved about her, and how we had just returned from Spain to be in New Orleans for the service. Delta spoke next, also about what she gained from Blanche, and then mentioned you. She explained about the Iron Cross and the heart-shaped stone we had carried to deposit there, and then how you wanted to return with us, but agreed to carry it for us and leave it in her memory. Everyone understood. They nodded, lots of them held some tissue to their eyes, and many said to bless you. Delta and I still do so.

We'll be here in New Orleans for at least another week. Lots of relatives to visit as well as estate stuff to help out with. Mom says we'll make a vacation of it while we honor Blanche's memory. By the time we depart, you'll probably be done leaving the heart stone for her. Again, we can't thank you enough.

Hugs to ya sister Makena.

Love, Bayou (and Delta)


Makena was crying as she finished.

Oh, I miss them. It hurts so much to have the twins gone. But we help each other on this planet. They were there for me when I found out about Luis. Now it's my turn.

She sent a thorough reply, sending them her love and support, and assuring them that she would soon honor their grandmother at the Iron Cross. She also thanked Delta for the book, had just finished it, and wished all men could be as trustworthy as the protagonist in the story, the character based on the author. Delta's book gave her some hope.

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