36 - Spain Maybe

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Spain Maybe

Saturday, June 19

Makena had a choice of paths and took the longer but more beautiful one away from the road. It paralleled a stream and gave her the peace she craved. She had water and a snack, so waiting for her breakfast break was no big deal. She finished ten miles, arriving at a small ancient town called Villalcazar, where she stopped for coffee and food. Some discussed the World Cup, so she learned that the US and England had tied Slovenia and Algeria, respectively. So many different outcomes were possible for next week's last games in the group. She considered:

Slovenia over Algeria is the only win so far. All four teams could still qualify from their group with a win, but any could be eliminated with a loss. Crazy. Just have to hope the US plays well against Algeria.

It was less than two hours more to go that day on the trail. She finished at the town of Carrion de los Condes early. The albergue was near a small tree-lined plaza. Makena had time to take care of her routine chores and communicate.


Dear Mom and Dad,

As I wrote to you the other day, I'm still walking alone. It's better than I thought it would be. I miss Bayou and Delta, but I have time to slow down, reflect, pay attention to nature, and think about what I want. All of that is good. When I listen to the birds, smell the flowers, see the fields, and touch the earth with each step, I feel a little more alive. It reminds me of what's right on this planet. I feel a little more whole. I still hurt, get angry at times, and feel sad. But the twins are right. It's all part of the process I need to go through to heal.

When I get down, I think of you and it helps. I remember laughing with Delta, thinking of Bayou's smile, and embracing the new memories I'm creating here, like with the family in Logrono. I was a little afraid to do this section on my own when they had to go to New Orleans. But I suppose it's like letting go of the crutch when you're ready to walk unaided. The first steps are tough, but it's necessary. So I'm doing what I need to do.

I miss you both and send you hugs.

Love, -Makena


At dinner, there was a group of females that had an open seat. They were speaking Spanish and asked her if she wanted to sit with them.

"Si. Me llamo Makena. Soy de los Estados Unidos."

There was a teenager who replied in Spanish, "My name is Marta." The girl was slender but looked fit and strong, with shoulder-length dark brown hair that hung loosely. "This is my mother, Mercedes, and my two aunts, Marisol and Miranda." The three sisters looked almost like triplets, with longer hair in ponytails for all. "Lots of Ms, no? Sometimes we joke that our family loves the American candy, M & Ms!" She laughed. "We are happy to meet someone from the United States."

"I am from Seattle. Yes, this table is still only allowed to have people whose name begins with M."

Marta laughed and the others smiled. "You are walking by yourself?"

Makena gave them an abbreviated version of what had happened to the twins, and her path from here.

"That is so sad. But you say that at least their grandmother is out of pain, no?" asked Marta.

"Yes. And I am honored to be able to take their gift for her to the Iron Cross."

"Oh, that is a good thing," said Mercedes. "You do them a service. We are just trekking for a week, from Burgos back to where we live in Leon. Next year we will walk the section with the Iron Cross. At my age, I will have many things I will wish to unburden at that time. I used to think that one of them would be my daughter, Marta." The table broke up laughing. "But now she has become older and wiser. Perhaps she will wish to unburden herself of her adult relatives!" More delighted laughter all around.

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