32 - Artistry

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Sunday, June 13

Jordan sat in Salamanca, sipping his breakfast coffee in the albergue, sitting across from his hiking partner. "Raul, I'll miss you."

"It is the same for me, my friend. But we will stay in touch via email. Perhaps we'll meet again one day."

"I hope so. And best of luck with Danele. It was special to have been there when you met."

"It was even more amazing for me, Jordan." Raul smiled. "She is worth hoping for."

"Espero que todo te vaya bien."

"I hope all goes well for you too, mi amigo." They embraced, then Raul left to finish his trek to the holy city of Santiago.


That night, Jordan saw Grace at dinner. She was, as usual, getting lots of male attention, often at an over-the-top level, but she handled it with humor and deflected the efforts with skill, so egos remained intact. She stopped by briefly.

"How did your painting of the Plaza Mayor go?" he asked.

"Well. I got a lot of work done. It was a treat to be able to focus on my work for so many hours." Grace smiled, lighting up the albergue around her. "How was your day?"

"I said goodbye to Raul, wishing him well on both the Camino and with Danele. I also used ice, rest, and elevation, but after I was able to complete my jog and gym workouts. It's a relief to be able to do all that in a preventive rather than recuperative fashion. I'm feeling hopeful again that the knee will hang in there. Meet you tomorrow morning before class?"

"Yes, see you then."

Monday, June 14.

During Spanish, some of his classmates teased Jordan about the 1-1 tie between England and the USA, since they knew a little about his dual background.

'Well," he said. "Both of my countries, that of my birth and the one where I currently reside, are neither happy nor sad. I think the person with a problem will be Johann on Wednesday." Figuring the best defense was a good offense, he deflected attention onto the Swiss-German student whose country would soon play Spain.

"Nein. There will be no difficulties," said Johann. "What can happen to me if my Switzerland wins? All I can do is fail this class with Professor Santana and get tossed out of Spain! Gut, ja?" Students chuckled.

Luis Santana responded, "Si, it is true that Johann's success in class may hang in the balance. But our national squad must control its own destiny!" said Professor Santana."Johann assures me that his country's team will be disposed of quietly by the Spanish lions, no?" He smiled good-naturedly at his student.

"You challenge my honor. Five Euros on Switzerland," said Johann. "I will support my nation!"

"No es posible. As your professor, I cannot participate in a bet," said Luis. "Nor may I officially support sinful gambling behavior. However, I propose that we discuss this at the bar on Wednesday." All laughed.

After class, Grace and Jordan walked back to the albergue. "Jordan, would you like to see a bit of art in Salamanca tomorrow?"

"That would be wonderful," he replied. "Before I forget, will you be able to bring Robert and Mary to watch Spain's first game on Wednesday?"

"I'll check and see. Hope so."

"Also, in return for being such a supportive and educational hostess, may I buy you dinner on Friday, my last night in Salamanca? Now that my knee is healthy again, it's time that I return to the trail."

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