57 - Zero

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Friday, July 9

Makena and Jordan woke up early to the phone alarm, got ready, and hit the trail before seven. The stars were gone, and the early light lit up the dawn mist enough to see without their cell flashlights. They began following roads that meandered around turns and up inclines, then descended. Today they'd reach the sea.

Muxia was twenty miles away, but they felt good. Blisters, knee swelling, hydration issues, dog attack, bee sting, and some internal drama all faded into the distant past. Nothing and no one could stop them. They moved onto a narrow trail, and Jordan walked behind Makena.

Her form is more entrancing than anything in nature.

He smiled.

I haven't felt like this with anyone else in my life except for my wife. I know you wanted me to feel alive again, Oriana, and I am. Thank you.

Just after nine, they arrived in the small village of Dumbria. A bar was open. Their Spanish tortilla and cafe con leche addictions needed filling. They had been walking quickly and were a little short of breath but in a good way. They felt excited to reach the ocean today. The bartender laughed, noting their depleted energy.

"Bienvenidos. Welcome peregrinos," he said. "What can I get for you?"

Jordan ordered. The bartender nodded. He put the omelet ingredients in a pan, fried them, then served the pilgrims along with their sweetened coffee and whipped milk combination. "I have just what you need." He opened up a bottle and poured a small amount of brandy into each cafe con leche.

They laughed, as did their audience, a handful of other local patrons sitting nearby. Makena said, "Viva Espana! We can roll downhill to Muxia now."

The bartender agreed. He gave them their tortillas, which they complimented. When each finished, Jordan said, "In the interest of science...", and ordered a second for each. The bartender heated some more omelets, and poured a second coffee, again with brandy. Makena and Jordan couldn't stop laughing.

They finished, used the restroom, filled up their water bottles, reapplied sunscreen, cinched shoelaces, and got ready to head out the door. "Muchas gracias por todo," said Makena. She had enjoyed all of it.

"De nada," said the bartender, welcoming them. "Buen Camino."

They had taken off their warmups but it took a few steps for their legs to get back into activity again. "Good thing those splashes of brandy were small," said Jordan. "Or else I'd fall asleep while trekking."

Makena laughed. "That was so unexpected. He was hilarious. And agreed. We'll burn it off during our walk well before noon, but 9 a.m. is a little earlier than I normally begin to party!"


"Buenos dias, Greta," said Luis, admiring her form in the pink bikini, and thinking about the parts of it that were hidden now that offered so much pleasure last night. "Did you sleep well?"

She smiled. "I did, Luis. And I thank you for your part in helping me do so. I had very pleasant dreams, and have better memories, as well." She slowly moved her tongue in a circle around her lips, and he laughed.

They both put lotion on the other, doing so slowly, paying attention to nuances of pleasure. Each remembered the luxurious feel of the other while making love the night before. They felt the warmth of the Spanish sun that had broken through the early fog.

Love at Spain's Iron CrossWhere stories live. Discover now