22 - Logrono

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Monday, June 7

The five women hit the trail early, around six, half an hour before sunrise. Twelve miles to walk, less than their average, so they felt strong the whole morning. They made good time through a few villages, took a short stop for cafe con leche around nine, and arrived at the Lope Garcia family home in Logrono by ten.

An elegantly dressed woman greeted them first. "Mama!" Arrosa and Ximena shouted at the same time, dropped their packs, and hugged her. Despite her regal appearance, their mother didn't seem to worry about her daughters' sweaty and dusty condition. She turned to the others, and Ximena introduced her to all of them.

"Con mucho gusto," said Mirai Lope Garcia.

"No, the pleasure is ours," said Makena, also in Spanish.

Mirai smiled and shook hands, giving each of them two kisses European-style, one on each cheek. Though she had to be at least in her mid-forties, she didn't look it. Around 5' 4", but closer to 5' 8" in her heels, she was slender and moved with grace. Her long dark brown hair shone, had no gray, and was piled high upon her head, held in place by a gold comb. There were a few tiny wrinkles near her hazel eyes, but otherwise her skin looked unblemished. Her long gown had brown, green, and shimmering gold bands, matching the sparkle in her gaze. Here was a woman who loved her family.

Down the stairs followed an official-looking man, maybe in his late forties. His salt and pepper hair was short, parted on one side, with every strand in place. He had a mustache of the same mixed color and seemed intimidating. He stood almost six feet tall but wore his gray suit with power and elegance. He had intense dark brown eyes. Then he broke into a wide smile, like the sun after a storm. "My daughters. Welcome back!" He hugged them both. Then he turned to their guests and spoke in English. "Welcome to Logrono and our home. Thank you for keeping our daughters safe. I am Mikel, and we are delighted that you will be our guests."

The newcomers laughed. Bayou said, "You do not need to worry about them, sir. It is they who helped guard us!" Arrosa and Ximena chuckled as well.

Mikel smiled. "We look forward to hearing all about your adventures later. But right now, we will get you settled." Peeking around him stood a youngster. "Oh, and this is the youngest, our son, Ramiro."

The boy waved without speaking, looking up from under dark brown eyes. Makena thought this is what the father must have looked like as a child. The facial structure was similar. Ramiro smiled at them.

Ximena said, "He is shy at first. Later you will wish he remained so." Ramiro scowled but nodded.

Mirai said, "Please, follow me. I will show you to your rooms. You will have an hour to shower and rest, and we will have a snack already prepared downstairs when you are ready, so you do not starve during Mass."

"Thank you," said Makena. "That sounds perfect."

They followed Mirai inside the front door and down a walkway where the huge house opened up into a large square-shaped inner courtyard, with two floors of rooms surrounding it. The twins and Makena got cleaned up and ready in plenty of time. Each of them put on the dresses they bought in Pamplona and wore the lightweight sandals they carried to pamper their feet after they were done hiking each day.

They joined their hosts near the kitchen and sat briefly for food. They only had coffee earlier since they were in a hurry to arrive. The Spanish tortillas here had heavenly spices combined with eggs, potatoes, onions, and cheese. Each hiker had another cafe con leche as well. By 11:30, they were content and followed the Lope Garcias into the van waiting in a large half-circle that served as the driveway, curving in front of the house. They rode, then parked near Logrono's tall cathedral and entered it, sitting together in one of the front pews.

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