49 - Ligonde

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Saturday, July 3

Makena was up before Jordan, dressed and climbed down, then watched him a moment. He looked so content.

He brings me serenity too, except that I don't know what to do with my feelings for him. Okay, it's not always peaceful. I want to hold him and feel his body.

She started thinking about where she'd like to be touched and smiled.

I'm horny. But this guy isn't just a one-time roll in the sack. Get a grip on yourself, Makena.

He stirred and opened his eyes. "Good morning, or am I still dreaming?"

"You're awake," she said. "It's real."

If our time on the Camino can be called real life. "Sleep well?"

"Ummm-hmmm. Wouldn't mind if this were a dream," he said. "I'll be with you in just a minute."

She considered staying while he dressed, then smiled and left.

I can imagine helping him put on his clothes. That's almost as good. I like this guy, which is both good and bad. Please don't let him be another Luis.

They drank water, but neither was hungry, so they got going. It was chilly and foggy, but they knew that would change as the sun rose. They walked together on the dirt road that guided them out of town, then followed the path as it gradually led them down about a 1500-foot net descent to their breakfast destination.

"So, Lady Makena, I was thinking about you." She raised her eyebrows. "There seem to be too many things I like that we have in common."

She smiled.

"Soccer, nature, music, Spanish, teaching school, the joy of working with kids, the study of history, and an interest in different cultures. The only major problem is where you went to college."

She giggled.

"Are you a CIA plant or a Russian spy, sent to dazzle and recruit me for some evil purpose?"

Makena laughed out loud. "No such luck. I am only what I appear to be. But I was sent for a reason."

"What's that?"

"Tolerance. You are my opportunity to develop greater patience with those less fortunate than myself. I can't change the sad fact that you're a Cal Bear. Since your college is south of the University of Washington geographically, in addition to ranking below us in worth, it all has to be tough on your self-esteem. But it's clear I must take you as you are. It's just like being tolerant of other races, religions, or beliefs. I figure if I can get along with someone so much less fortunate than myself, it shall be good for my soul. I'm like Mother Teresa!"

It was Jordan's turn to laugh. "I enjoy our conversations."

"So do I. In some ways, it's easier on the Camino because we have more free time. But it's almost like I don't want to waste this opportunity. Do people in relationships ever communicate like this?" asked Makena.

"Sometimes, but I think it takes commitment to each other. It's not as easy for me to share my feelings sometimes, and it helps me to have a regular check-in with people who are important to me, like my wife, my sister, or my Dad. It was my Mom who used to facilitate that. Sometimes everyone is so busy that they take each other for granted. I don't ever want to do that. So that's why I think making time together is so crucial."

Makena said, "My folks always had regular date nights with one another. Mom has always been a little more in touch with her emotions. Dad is a more typical Northern European and would keep to himself as his default mode. But when she instigates their conversations, then they start to engage, and he opens up."

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