65 - Makena's Epilogue

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Makena's Epilogue

Sunday, December 26

Dear Diary,

I haven't jotted down an entry since summer. Guess I've been living rather than writing. Could be worse. What a year, but it finished up. Perfect? No. Better? Definitely. Grateful? Totally. Jordan? The best.

He isn't without faults. His choice of women, for example. How did he end up with me? Okay, I'm joking. But he is the best I've ever known, at least for what I want in a man. I'm glad people are diverse. If everyone wanted the same qualities in a male, there would be too many other women who want him. Just one is enough. That's his usual joke, but it's also his truth. And I know I'm the one. I believe him. I trust in us.

Today is the day after Christmas. He's still in bed. I'm sitting in my living room while he sleeps in. I have a few months to catch up on in my journal, so I'm writing down the highlights.


The last week of July we spent at the ranch of Jordan's father in Northern California. The winery was on autopilot, with not much to do, so his dad, John, had time to host us. But even better was that his sister, Kate, was there, visiting from Nantucket in Massachusetts. Her husband, Bill, and Jordan are best buds, so it worked out well for Kate and me to become new sisters. We did a little sightseeing and exercise but bonded through our talks. It was like having Camino conversations in California.


Then Jordan flew up with me to Seattle. A week here got him vetted by everyone. It wasn't painful. My parents took to him right away. So did Delta and Bayou in their hilarious style. I always laugh with them so much. Jordan and the twins bonded immediately. I was so glad. He gets along with everyone.

There was a unit for rent in my building. He said he could handle Seattle. The weather would be like when he was growing up in England. Jordan said he wanted his own space so it wouldn't remind me of Luis moving in. And he's a writer now. He can do that anywhere. Pretty lucky, huh?

He had stuff stored at his Dad's. So he went back there while I had my orientation days for teachers at Island High. It's weird being back to work at my old school, but awesome at the same time. Jordan and I talked every day on the phone until he returned. When he got back, he rented furniture and started writing. He's like a machine, so focused, but we spend plenty of time together at the end of each day.

It took some time to get to know all the students in my five classes. Jordan helped me with some of the planning. There's a lot of prep and grading and stuff, but I'm loving it. The twins both have new boyfriends who they met on a dating website that matched people by common interests.. Said they wanted Camino-style relationships and had to do so on their own since I wasn't considerate enough to catch a man with two brothers. They're two delightful characters. I laugh so much with them. All six of us usually meet at their Cajun restaurant at least once a week.


Look diary, I know this is all so positive you must be sick of it. But I had enough conflict earlier in the year to last a few lifetimes, so deal with it.

Had a couple of weeks teaching before soccer tryouts began. You won't believe it, but I created my own family. Delta and Bayou volunteered to assist. Their father said they could be gone each afternoon between lunch and dinner busy times, so we're doing this together. The strikers and fullbacks have the LeBlanc sisters teaching them about their positions. And I found out that Jordan was a goalie in Britain until he grew up and got so fast that they moved him to midfielder. So he works with my keepers. The girls don't mind having one man among the females on my coaching staff. And he's too old for the high school girls, so I'm safe. At least too old for them to do anything but look. Hope you're smiling, diary. because I'm in a secure relationship.

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