chapter 36

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"Whats happened josh? Michael come down here!" I shout, my heart beating in my ears.

"is it bad?" I ask as I watch him stand at the door worriedly.

"It's just not good." he tells me.
my heart races as the possibilities run through my head.

what if something's happened to mum?
"hurry!" I shout to Michael.

I hear him run down the stairs and we all leave in a rush, josh still not spilling any news about what the hell is going on.

"josh what's happening? tell me!" I order as we climb in the car and he drives quickly through town.

"tell me!" I scream, causing Michael to console and hush me.

"it's gonna be okay, I swear." Michael whispers into my hair. although his words are calming I can tell he's anxious.

"josh im losing it here, tell me what's going on!" I beg, as calmly as possible.
"mum collapsed." he admits, his eyes frantically on the road.

"they said it's just exhaustion but they're running scans and stuff, I don't know, she hasn't collapsed in a while." he tells me.

my heart begins beating loudly in my ears and I weep.

"will she be okay?" I cry.

"she'll be fine, I promise you, everything is going to be okay baby." Michael whispers.

he holds my hand tight and gradually places kisses over each of my knuckles, whispering under his breath and telling me to keep calm.

we arrive at the hospital and Michael begins to panic.

"Lauren I can't," he whispers as he looks at the large white building in front of us.

"baby please, I need you to support me." I beg. "please."

he takes a deep breath and we all climb out of the car, Michael looks incredibly uneasy as he looks at the large concrete, grey building in front of him.

"it's fine michael." I tell him as we enter.

his hand is tightly gripped on to mine and he is incredibly shaky as we walk through the corridor, many ill patients being wheeled to places with bandages on their heads and over their eyes.

"Lauren I can't," he says, looking back at the door to exit which keeps getting further and further away.

"please Michael." I whisper. I hear him swallow and take a deep breath and we keep on walking.

"okay this is her suite." josh says.

we walk into the suite named 'the tulip suite' and search for mom.

Michael looks terrified and upset as he sees an elderly man crying out in pain.

"Lauren please get me out of here." he says, raising his voice. panic is definitely taking over now.

"Michael I just need to know she's okay. please."

"I can't do it Lauren I can't do it." he panics.

I catch mom out of the corner of my eye and rush over to her side, Michael lingers slowly.

"mom! are you okay?!" I ask as I run my fingers through her hair and crouch beside her bed.

"I just haven't been sleeping well my love. I'm fine." she reassures me.

"michael sweetie are you okay?" she asks, looking over at Michael who is shaking.

"y..yeah, I just hate hospitals." he says.
"oh it's fine you can all leave! they're discharging me in a few hours."

we all say our goodbyes and Michael sprints out of the hospital, taking deep breaths as soon as we exit.

"can we go for a walk?" Michael asks me.

"sure." I reply. "josh, you can leave without us, Michael needs some fresh air."

we walk down the busy road and I lead him to a little forest that mom always used to take me to when I was younger.

"what is it about them?" I ask as we climb into a little tree and sit on a branch.

"huh?" he replies, looking slightly dazed as he looks at the trees surrounding us.

"hospitals." I state.

"oh. my dad was in one when I was younger. it was like a mental ward because he was like, I dunno, fucked up. it was kind of like rehab because he was alcohol dependent but it was more people with mental health problems too. mum used to make me visit and seeing all the people there who weren't quite the full shilling and seeing how they were treated was awful. I've never really been in a hospital since then unless my friends had put me in one when I was drunk. I always just got scared that id be trapped in there forever like them mental people were." 

his words sounded like they came from his heart and I now understood his fear.

"oh Michael." I said, turning to him and kissing his cheek. his arms instantly swung around my neck and he kissed me passionately on the lips, his tongue slowly dipping into my needy mouth. his hands began to cup my face and I shifted across the branch, closer to him.

"let's get off here before one of us ends up in hospital." he giggles against my lips.

I chuckle and climb off the branch and he does the same. as soon as he's down his lips connect with mine again and my arms hold on to the back of his t shirt, tugging him closer to me.

"I love you Michael."

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