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The doorbell began ringing and my nerves were kicking in, I was scared to see my dad and Lauren could tell I was feeling uneasy.

She placed her hand on my thigh and looked up at me, smiling, making me feel a lot better about the dreaded situation.

"Evening darling." Mum said to dad.

"Hello." he replied. I heard them kiss and he walked through, into the front room.

He stopped, dead in his tracks and stared at me.

"Michael?" he frowned.

"Yep." I replied, resting my hand over Lauren's.

"And you must be Danielle." Dad said to Lauren.

My heart began racing.

"What? who's Danielle?" I stuttered, even though I knew perfectly well who Danielle was."This is Lauren, my girlfriend." I finished.

He looked at me. "Oh, right. Hello Lauren." He smiled.

He left the room and Lauren turned to me.

"Danielle?" she asked.

"It wasn't like that," I began. "She was a thing of the past." I lied.

Lauren frowned.

"Look, she doesn't matter." I said, desperately trying to change the subject but Lauren wasn't having it.

"No Michael! tell me!" she said.

"I can't." I answered, looking at the floor. "You'll leave me."

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