Chapter 5

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I went back to my dorm where my dorm mate, Bethany, was studying and listening to fallout boy.

"Hey you like fallout boy?" I asked.

We didn't really have that much in common, hence why we haven't spoken much.

"Yes!" she exclaimed.

"Me too!" I replied and she gasped.
For the next half an hour we sat, fangirling about fallout boy until it got to 6pm.

"so, what course are you doing?" I asked as I pulled on my denim jacket and began to pile up some work to take out with me.

"music." she replied.

"oh cool. I'm doing social work." I said, before gathering all my things. "anyway,  Ill be back later." I smiled, leaving the dorm.

I didn't bother to change from my black skinny jeans and my pink floyd t shirt so I hoped Michael hadn't changed.

I walked to the cafe where we arranged to meet and he was already waiting there.

"Hey." he said, pulling an earphone out as he saw me.

"Hi." I replied.

"Calum's gone to Ashton's so it's just going to be us in the dorm." he said bluntly.

"Okay." I smiled warmly.

We walked to his dorm quite slowly, conversing about bands that we liked and our English project.

We got to his dorm and he unlocked it, holding it open for me.

"Excuse the messy bed." he said, throwing his phone and tangled up headphones amongst the unmade bed cover.

"It's fine." I assured him.

We sat together on his bed and decided which Shakespeare piece to do.

"I think we should do sonnet one." I said and he frowned.

"Is that because its like Romeo and Juliet?" he asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah." I said, reddening slightly.

"Actually it has a really good moral as well." I argued and he raised an eyebrow.

"And that is?" he asked rudely.

"Well the whole poem is about Shakespeare trying to persuade his friend to start a family and have children." I said and he frowned.

"So you're saying a good moral is everyone should have unprotected sex and give birth nine months later?" he pointed out.

"Basically yeah." I said, tired from the debating me and Michael had already done today.

He shrugged. "I guess it's better than nothing." he said before writing it all down in his literature book.

After two hours we had a reasonable assignment finished.

"Tell me about yourself." Michael said, sitting cross legged facing me. he sounded uninterested but I guess he just wanted someone to make conversation with because Calum was out.

"Like what?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Well I'm originally from Victoria but we moved to Sydney and I hate it." I smiled and he looked at me.

He shuffled slightly closer but I didn't feel nervous still.

"And answer this for me Lauren." He whispered in my ear.

"Answer w-what?" I asked, stuttering from nervousness now.

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