Chapter 6

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In all honesty, I didn't want the little 'outing' with Lauren to end, it was a good laugh, even though she is a fairly average looking and boring geek.

After my bone in my leg felt slightly better, we got up, brushed ourselves off and watched the glowing sunset as it went down over the field. The view was priceless, it was simply beautiful.

We walked back to my car and got in, I turned the CD player on and played green day loudly as we set off back to the crowded city of Sydney.

"Green day?" she asked and I nodded, tapping the steering wheel with my thumb to the beat of the song.

"They're rubbish." she said and I gasped.

"How can you say that?!" I said, taken aback.

"How can you enjoy their music? It's worse than death metal." she said and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Who do you like then?" I asked rudely and she shrugged.

"I don't know, The 1975?" she replied.
We pulled up outside of the college and got out of the car.

I walked with her up the long path towards the dorm building and someone jumped on my back.

"What the fuck!?" I screeched, shocked.
I turned around and saw Luke and hugged him.

He looked at me and frowned as he spotted I was with Lauren.

"Erm yeah, you go straight up towards that building and the first door on the left, just ask me whenever your lost again." I said and she frowned before leaving.

"She was lost." I lied and he nodded.

"I gathered." he replied.

We walked through to mine and Calum's form and Ashton was sat in there on my bed on the phone.

"Girl problems." Luke whispered and I nodded.

"I'm sorry! You know I am." he said desperately down the receiver. "Well in that case, I don't fucking regret it!" he shouted a few minutes later before hanging up.


As soon as Ashton put the phone down he punched the pillow.

Calum hid his face in his hands and giggled quietly and I bit my lip to stifle my laughter.

Me and Luke exchanged looks and both burst into laughter at the same time.

"Fuck you guys." he said angrily.

"You've come down here to see us and you're moaning over your girlfriend who's a little slut." I blurted.

Ashton's eyes looked as if they were on fire.

"Say that again. I dare you." he snarled.


Little 'tough' guy who likes unicorns wants to fight me?

"All I'm saying is for the past month you've been ditching us three for her, fucking let it go for one night." I said and he shook his head.

"Remind me how many fucking relationships you've been in Michael? None. You sleep around with random whores, I'm surprised you haven't got a fucking STD so don't even try and tell me how to work a relationship when you have zero experience." Ashton said and I huffed.

"If you're going to be a childish little prick then go back to your mums house." I said. Ashton ran at me and tried to swing at me, I caught his fist and smiled sarcastically.

"nice one." I said. he swang for a punch again and I raised my eyebrows.

"if you wanna fucking fight me Ashton then that's no problem. throw a punch." I shouted. "throw a fucking punch!"

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