Chapter 14

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finally I got something out of putting up with that fucking girl.

my dick has been so deprived of action that anything would've made me cum.

Calum came back to our dorm quite late as he was with Stacey earlier.

"What's happened?" he asked as he noticed my expression.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Absolute bullshit." Calum replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Lauren." I replied.

"I did say that I have no sympathy for you treating her like shit Michael, if you can't be nice to her then leave her the fuck alone. I'm going to see if she's okay." he said in a stressed tone.

"Oh so that's it?!" I shouted. He look at me and frowned. "It doesn't matter about how your best friend fucking feels? I feel shit Calum, absolutely fucking shit and all you care about is Lauren? you're a dick."

He huffed and left the dorm.

"That's what I fucking thought." I called after him.

I huffed and got into bed, I had no energy to even eat and that's saying something.

I slept for the next few hours until I felt someone sitting on me.

Luke was sat on me.

"Oi you dick." he said.

He got off me and I frowned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Visiting. You left your door open." he replied simply. "Why the fuck are you in your dorm sleeping? you should be out having sex, you're a college boy for gods sake." Luke remarked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly. "Anyway, what's the deal with you and that Lauren girl? getting pretty close aren't you?" he asked.

"How do you know about Lauren?" I asked.

"I kind of worked out something was happening when you were at the mall together and, well, Calum told me." he replied.

"He's a twat. only reason I'm talking to her is for a shag to be honest. she's a virgin so I've got to win her over first." I said, getting up and putting a top on.

"He's gone to make sure she's okay. you're a sick man Michael. another one of your sick missions." Luke said.

"Fuck off, you know how shit I am at pretending to be nice and stuff, this is all new to me." I pointed out.

He nodded.

"I guess so... anyway, where shall we go?" he said, standing up.

"Anywhere." I replied, spraying my body with lynx.

"I've kind of hooked up with this chick and she has a hot friend so we could go to theirs?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I said eagerly.

Someone knocked on the door lightly so I went to answer it, I knew it wouldn't be Michael, the knocking was too soft.

Calum was stood in the hall in a plain white vest and black skinny jeans with vans on.

"Um, hey." he said nervously.

"Hi." I said, opening the door and letting him in.

He sat on my bed, playing with his hands.

"Listen, I just wanted to make sure you're okay, Michael's been a dick again hasn't he?" Calum asked as I sat beside him.

"I am just so tired and I just don't know what came over me earlier, it doesn't help that he gets angry easily .either." I said, rubbing my temples.

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