chapter 41

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my morning is spent doing lessons and hoping that Michael will text me. I don't want him to leave me in the past.

I have nothing to do without him and nothing to look forward to.

I decide to see what Chloe is up to. we text regularly but barely meet up, she's always busy working at the cafe and I always seem to be studying or with Michael.

'are you doing anything?x' I text her.

'I finish my shift at 3, tgif x' she replies.

'fancy doing something after that?x'

'I'll pick you up, we can see if there are any parties??x'

I reply 'yes!x' eagerly and begin to get ready.

I decide to use makeup that I never use, I guarantee that Michael has been partying to get over me, so I'll do the same.

Bethany comes back to the dorm for the first time in weeks and we have a little catch up. she is really talented at makeup and does an art course here at uni. I notice how good her eyeliner is and ask her to do mine.

"I'm going to a party later and I want to look good. you don't mind doing my makeup do you?" I ask.

her face lights up. "sure!" she says eagerly.  she insists on using her own makeup, telling me I will look amazing and I give in and let her. I am slightly nervous.

I sit opposite her cross legged on her bed as she plucks my eyebrows and applies loads of different things on to my face.

"what is that?" I ask as she smears brown cream stuff across my cheeks.

she begins telling me about blending and contour as she continues to do my makeup, using an egg shaped sponge.

I've never really felt the need to wear makeup, I sometimes wear mascara and eyeliner but my natural skin is quite clear so I avoid using foundation.

Bethany compliments me as she does my makeup, telling me how my natural eyebrows and lip shape are good.

I simply thank her and she continues doing my makeup, giving me tips as she applies different things on to my face.

"you look so amazing!" she says as she takes a look at me.

"thankyou." I blush, still not entirely sure what I look like.

I take a look in the mirror and am shocked at how different I look.

"woah," I simply say as I study my eyeshadow, contour and lipstick.

Bethany also does my hair and chooses an outfit for me.

I place on the nude colour dress and smile as I look in the mirror.

"you look so nice!" she says kindly.

Chloe calls me to tell me she's on her way and I snap a quick selfie.

"hot damn!" Chloe remarks as I open the door to my dorm

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"hot damn!" Chloe remarks as I open the door to my dorm. I smile and bat her playfully. she's ready too, wearing a simple black low cut dress that suits her amazingly.

"I saw Calum down the corridor, he looks well annoyed. I asked him if he was okay and he told me to fuck off." she huffs, before going into bitching mode about several different people. as she talks, I take out my phone and text Calum, checking he's okay.

'not now Lauren.' he replies bluntly.

I frown at my phone and reply 'you can talk to me cal'

'I said not now.'

he's obviously annoyed so I decided to go speak to him later when I get back.

"anyway, let's go!" Chloe squeals. I say goodbye to Bethany and we hurry to Chloe's car.

"some boy that I've been talking to is having pre-drinks at his house. shall we go?" Chloe asks.

"as long as it doesn't end up like Ashton's party when you ended up having sex with him and leaving me with Calum." I chuckle and she laughs.

"that's not gonna happen." she says after a moment. "anyway, what happened with you and red head in the end?" she asks, referring to Michael, even though his hair is brown now and has been for quite some time. when me and Chloe text I never really talk about Michael, not because I have something to hide, simply because I just never get round to it. I'm normally giving Chloe advice about a boy or we are bitching about someone, I never really get a chance to talk about him. I've mentioned him a few times but she doesn't realise how serious it actually is (or was.)

"I don't know, nothing really." I sigh, there's too much to explain, I'll explain it to her over a coffee one day, not on a short car ride.

"did you fuck him?" she asks, keeping her eyes on the road.

I begin to laugh and blush vigorously.

"no way!" she practically screams. "my innocent little best friend," she chuckles.

she continues asking me questions about me and Michaels sex, asking if he was good and what not. I answer honestly, she is my best friend after all.

"I don't see you for a month and this is what I miss." she says in shock.

we arrive at the boys house, his name is Harry and he's apparently really sweet, she said that about Ashton too but I always thought he was rudest of the lot, not including Michael obviously, his rudeness beats anyone.

I imagine him to be big and muscular, just because that's what Ashton was like, but when he opened the door I was shocked.

he wore a smart shirt and some black jeans and was quite lanky.

"hello." he says warmly.

"hi" we reply, smiling.

him and all of his friends are very genuine and easy to talk to, I don't find myself feeling embarrassed or not wanting to talk in front of them. they are all very approachable and very funny.
there is four of them, jack, Harry, Ollie and Matthew.

"hang on, brothers ringing me." Jack says. he has light hair and stubble, as well as big blue eyes. I watch him open the slidy patio door and stand outside to take a phone call, whilst smoking a cigarette.

he comes in a few minutes later and sits back in his original space, picking back up his beer and proceeding to continue in the conversation. 

"people are going to the party now, my brother said on the phone." Jack says after a few minutes of chatting.

"shall we head off?" Harry asks, looking towards me and Chloe.

"yeah." we both say at the same time.

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