Chapter 9

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Michael looked surprised when I asked him my 'favour' but instantly agreed which made me feel better.

Maybe someday me and him will have a relationship.

The only problem with this 'lesson' arrangement is that ill most likely get attached to him, that's what always happens, I'm clingy.

He stayed at my dorm for a while after we finished studying, we just hugged and chatted.

"What time is it?" he asked as I lay beside him.

"I don't know, not early." I laughed.

I checked my phone, somehow it was 3am.

"It can't be 3am." he said, flinging his head back on to the pillow.

He checked his phone.

"Shit it is." He said, sitting up. "I'll text you at some point tomorrow." he finished, shrugging on his jacket.

"Bye." he said, standing and exiting my room without looking back.

I couldn't work out how I felt about Michael, purely because 50% of the time he was nice, really nice, to me and the other 50% he was really horrible.

I went straight to sleep, my eyes closing instantly, I didn't realise how tired I was when I was with Michael.

I woke up only 5 hours later at 8am.
Early for a saturday, I know. I got straight up and padded into the bathroom, turning on the shower and testing the temperature with my hand until it finally warmed up enough to shower under.

I took my time, lathering shampoo through my thick brown hair and washing it out time and time again.
I washed my body, shaved and washed off my excess makeup from yesterday before climbing out and wrapping a big fluffy towel around my body.

I sat on my bed in just my towel for a while, my dorm mate was hardly ever at our dorm, she stayed at her girlfriends a lot so I was mainly on my own which I liked.

I changed into a simple floral dress and tied my damp hair into a messy bun.
I texted Chloe to see how she was getting on at the cafe while I waited for Michael to text me like he said he would.

I sat on my bed waiting, instantly checking my phone every time it went off but he never texted.

It got to 4pm and I figured he had ditched me, not much of a surprise considering how nice he was to me yesterday, I should have known.
I texted him to let him know I was angry.

"I knew this was going to happen."
I laid back on my bed and huffed.
I wanted so badly to cry, the tears burning in my eyes but I promised myself not to.

Another promise broken.

Tears spilled down my face, ruining my makeup that I spent so much time doing as I stared at the ceiling.

Why does he have to do this?

Get me under his spell and just throw me to the side as if I'm nothing, like I'm a no one.

I can't let him do this anymore but I know I will, he makes me feel...different.

My phone buzzed and I couldn't help myself instantly picking it up off my bed.

"What the fuck Lauren? I just woke up!" he replied.

"Really? at 5pm? it's fine Michael, forget about me if you have other girls on the go, I don't know why I even expected you to change."

The tears began again and I rang Calum.

"Hey Lauren!" he answered quickly.
I sobbed down the line.

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