Chapter 25

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"Are you okay?" I keep checking as we lay together.

"Yes." She replies each time, smiling.

I feel like she believes every every word  i said to her while I fucked her. I've said those words to so many girls that it's almost become a routine. holding back from going fast was the worst thing ever, but from now on the sex is only going to happen more often.

She falls asleep soon after in my arms and I smile to myself as I think back to the day I first met her.

How so much has changed.

I wake up before her, laying still as she sleeps beside me.

Calum comes in soon afterwards, smelling like alcohol.

He looks incredibly hung over as he sits on his bed, texting someone, probably Stacey.

"Alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I smile. "Yeah, im good."

"Why are you smiling like that?" he frowns and I giggle.

"I don't know." I lie.

He frowns before laying down, groaning and placing his hand on his head.

Lauren sits up, yawning.

"Hey Calum." She smiles.

"Alright darling?" he says happily.

"Im good thankyou." She smiles, peeling back the covers and sitting up, yawning.

She looked so damn good without even trying, especially in my clothes.

She stands and goes through to the toilet, I hear the door lock and Calum sits up eagerly.

"So?" he asks.

"So?" I repeat confusedly.

"Why's she wearing your clothes then?" he taunts wickedly.

"She can't exactly wear a dress to bed can she." I reply sarcastically.

"You done it didn't you? You took her virginity!" he whispers eagerly.

"Ugh so what." I say, laying back down.

"That was your... aim, after all." He says, laying back. "You are a sick man Michael." He chuckles, shaking his head, I smile at him discreetly.

"I love her." I tell him.

"Like you loved Danielle?" he says, sitting up. "Like you loved Freya? Or like you loved Bethany? Or like you loved, that slut, what was her name? Oh yeah, Sophie?" he said.

"Fuck off!" I shouted. "Fuck you! Fuck you Calum you prick!"

Lauren emerged from the bathroom, shocked.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"He's using you Lauren, he's fucking using you." Calum shouted as he walked out the door.

"No." I say frantically. "No, no, no." I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands. "I love you Lauren. I love you." I say, tears streaming down my face. I've done all this too many times.

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