Heart breaker

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Boys put down your guns said gage. no we will not because then you will kill us all, said Zayn. but if you don't put down the guns I will kill Shayla then Denise, said Gage. Shayla walk with me. we walked toward Zayn and my dad. boys hand the guns to Shayla or I will kill her right here right now.

Daddy, Zayn please give me the guns, I said very scarried. Then Gage pulled me back towards the van again he told me to put the guns in the van so I walked slowly with him over to the back of the van I opened the door and set the guns down then I closed the doors.

Then he pulled me back towards the boys. So boys. just let us go Gage. SHUT UP Shayla yelled Gage. I am so tried of your family getting in my way. then a black limo showed up.

5 people came out of it. chandler, and four body guards. Gage what are you doing? Just trying up loose ends, not for this one I get to do this one. but who is that cutie over their this is Shaylas daughter. why I wonder what Shayla would do if I took her daughter away from her.

No you can't have her she is my daughter,i yelled. but I think Gage hold on to Shayla and I will take this cutie to my place said chandler. no chandler you can't do this, she is not your daughter.

What do you mean she is not my daughter I thought she is my daughter, no the child that we were suppose to have died because of my blood loss when Gage shot me, he killed our baby. This is Zayns daughter and mine not yours.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora