The trade

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Gage the hung up the phone and he told me to be good or I would stay here. so it was noon we were going to meet the boys.

Gage grabbed me and Jake grabbed Falishia and we were put in the back of the van and told to be quiet. we got to the trade spot. Falishia and I both were put on the other side of the van handcuff to trees. then we waited for the boys. the showed up.

Zayn, and Liam first asked to see if we were okay Gage came and took the hand cuffs of one of our wrists. and pushed us around the side of the van then they put us back. then the boys gave Gage the money.

then Gage gave the boys falishia. Then they hand over By the trees and to me if I ever got in their way that they would kill any one that I loved. then the took off and Zayn ran over to me. I felt some one come behind me.

it was niall, and Harry they all came and gave be a big hug. then Falishia and Liam came and gave me a hug too. They were so happy to see Falishia and I they I guess missed us.

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