Fading love!

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Zayn PRO

Sir we have to find Shayla and Denise before it is to late. Okay I will help you Zayn, said Mr.smith.
Zayn you can call me jack. okay I will sir. Wait Zayn does Shayla still wear a diamond bracelet asked jack. yes she does why?i asked because it has a micro chip in it so I can see were she is, said jack.

So we looked on the screen and we found out that Shayla was in a wear house In Florida. What how is she in Florida Gage
Must have wanted her out of California said jack.

Shaylas pro

I looked around wondering what was going to happen. then Gage walked in, he was not happy. He yelled to a boy name mark "go start the vans up. Get up he yelled.

We're are we going. shut up and stand up yelled Gage.I stood up he grabbed my arms and he pushed me out the door. I was being push towards a black van. were are we going Gage, I asked. SHUT UP, yelled Gage.

Then he shoved me into the back of one of the black vans. My then Gage pushed Denise into the back of the van also then Gage got in then 4 men were in the back too. then they shut the doors too the van.

Keep your mouth shut and don't talk or you will get hurt. Gage was on his phone he started to dial a number.

The phone started to ring
Hello Gage how can I help you. said Mr.Smith.
Is Zayn near you, said Gage
Yes why said Smith.
Meet me in 2 hours at the docks, said Gage.
End call

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora