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When the lady came out she told us "boys this Mr.Smith". I shook his hand it was very weird that this man had shayla's last name, the lady then told us "this man is Shaylas father.

I was shocked that shayla had a father she told me she had no family. she says that so no one will come after me but that did not work, I see. Ya it did not work Gaga has taken her and her daughter.

"What", said Mr.smith. "What do you mean her daughter"? ,said Mr.smith she has A daughter. "yes sir". Well then we need to find them wait did you just say Gage had them. that's a lie. said Mr. smith. he is a top agent he would never do something like this that is a lie.said Mr.smith .no it is not Mr.smith he is living to everyone he has been playing us all like a guitar he is not an agent. he is a murder, theif, kidnapper. said Zayn.

Well then, Mr.smith pulled out his phone and he was calling someone.

Gage, said Mr.smith.
Yes sir. said Gage
Are you at work today. said Mr.smith.
Yes I am sir, what do you need. said Gage.
Nothing continue working agent. said Mr.smith.
Phone call ends.

See young man he is here he is not lying to me.said Mr.smith then were did my fiancée and my daughter go then. Said Zayn.

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