Time for our date

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I was really excited when he asked me to go on a date with him. I ran up stairs I grabbed a nice red short sleeve less dress, a black pair of heels, black dress coat jacket, and a diamond necklace. As I was looking through my jewelry box I found the four carrot blue diamond ring Zayn bought me.

I was all ready then I heard a car honk it was Zayn he was out front I raced down the stairs and got to the door I opened it then.

Locked the door I got to the car zayn said hello I said hello back. he asked me were I wanted to go for dinner? I told him a nice Italian restaurant. so we drove to the restaurant. zayn got out of the car, then he walked over to my side of the car and opened my door.

we walked up to the door he held the door open for me. the waitress asked us how many were in our party? I told her "just two mam" then she showed us to our table.

When we got to the table I told Zayn , about 13 years ago I had a baby girl. that she was named Denise. he was shocked when I told him this but he asked my why I named his child Denise I told him I was sad that I would never get to she my Bff Denise again because Gage shot her.

Then he told me it was just an act Denise was never hurt it was all an act the she planned it to happen. Clay let Denise get a new name, adress, every thing. but when Gage found out he was mad and he knew he had to get you back for that because he thought you planned it.

After he told me this we got our food and we at it then go left the restaurant he asked me if I wanted to go home? I told his yes, we drove to my house.

I walked up to the house and I sat on the couch and took off my shoes. then I went into the kitchen and their was a note on the counter. it said it is time for pay back bitch then I heard some thing move in the living room it was not a some thing it was Gage and 7 men.

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