Where is he??

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Shayla are you okay babe,said Zayn. yes I am fine Zayn, just very upset, I said. we got up to the door zany opened the door and I ran up to bed.

It was 10:30 when I woke up in bed with Zayns arms around me he is already awake. he leans in to give me a kiss, we kiss, the. I get out of bed I go into the closet and get a pair of light blue jeans and a shirt that says "boss life".

I get a pair of heels, then I go into the bathroom, do my hair and make up. Shayla what are you doing, said Zayn. I am going to get my daughter. then Zayn got up and I sat on the bed and waited for him. we both went down stairs. we got the boys up and they all had a gun.

We got in the car we drive for about 30 minutes then we finally arrived, at chandlers house. Zayn, niall, and Harry are going in if We do not come out in 30 minutes you all come in.

I walked in the front door with the boys behind me. the next thing I hear is someone behind me. put you gun on the ground and kick the gun back to me.

At that moment I relized the man behind me was jake. He grabbs my arms and someone else put their hand over my mouth. they tell me to look up. I see my daughter held at gun point by chandler. she is crying, I feel so bad I want to cry Chandler leave her alone, I yell!!

It has been thirty minutes sense we have seen Shayla, and the boys. it is time to go in say Liam and Louis. what about me, said falishia. you get to stay in the van.


I walk up to the house and I see that the door is open. I push it open. shayla are u here,i yell. then I see chandler with Denise in his arm with a gun to her head. hello Louis, said chandler. let her go chandler, I yell. were is shayla,i yell. hey Gage and Jake why don't you bring out our new guest, said chandler.

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