Who were they talking about?

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After jad talked to gage. jad walked away, gage walk over to me and grabbed my rists he told me that he would kill me then. zayn came over to me and told gage to get out. gage then walked out.

zayn asked me if I was okay I told him I was really scarred again and I did not know what to do. he will get me he knows that I am here and he will not stop until I am dead and he kills me. zayn told me that he would not get me and that he would protect me.

I was really scarried then jad walked into the room and he asked what was the matter then I told him that gage had told me that he wanted to kill me.
Jad told me that gage would not lay a finger on me. I asked zayn if I could talk to jad alone. Zayn said yes so I asked jad about who he was talking about? he was talking about a girl I asked him who.

He told it was a young girl and that I would have to wait to see her that she was some one that I have known for 6 years the first person that poped into my head was Preslie.

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