Wrong meet!!

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We still had a day to go before he were going to meet chandler. Jad came in to my room which is next to Falishias room he told them that was going to let the girls go so they would be okay.

but he would keep Falishia just in case I tried to escape. I was asleep when the door opened Jad and his men can in to the room and they took of the chain on my ancle and I was happy I could feel my ancle again so then we were getting out of here. It was time to go to Jad came to get me when I heard someone scream it was Denise she was being put In a car.

then a car pulled up in front of us Jad pulled me in to the car and then I was put in between two people and they both had guns and Jad was sitting in from of us it was 12 pm we were at the docks but instead of them holing me they left me in the car.

I saw chandler with a boxes I was screaming but their was two guys next to me with guns and I did not want to get shot. so I keep my mouth shut. chandler had a box it looked like a wedding ring box. Then chandler asked were I was then all the sudden I was being pushed out of the car he told me to keep my mouth shut or I would die. then chandler told jad to let me go but Jad told him no and he pulled me close and he had a knife with him.

i could feel it behind my back so I keep my mouth shut but I was worried about what would happen. I did not want him to get hurt. chandler ask me how I was but the knife was really close to my back so I did not answer I did not want to have a knife in my back then I was being pushed back to two guys who both grabbed by arms and they would not let go. Jad ask chandler if he had.

The diamond and chandler told him yes but then chandler ask him if he would let me go but then Jad told him no I started to scream no but then I felt a knife to the back of my neck then. I was being pushed back into the car and I was crying I Jad ask me why are you crying Shayla because you told me I could go home if you got the diamond and you did now let me go no their is another reason why you are here you never gave me that diamond we stole 4 years ago.

Okay fine but it is in a bank vault that only I can get in to but it will have to go and get it but it will be hard. Is that what you want then I can go home. yes.

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