Another person in my life

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I am sorry I have had alot of homework to do so here u go the next chapter for ya.

I wonder in my mind why Zayn would ask me that out of all the people what did he think I was got but on the other hand nail and Harry were both staring at me.

I did not know what to do. Jad ask the boys if they knew why I was really there, then Jad asked Niall, and Liam to take falishia, and me upstairs to they each grabbed both of our arms.

Jad told Zayn to help Niall because Jad knew that I was smart and that I knew how to get out of a man grip. Zayn volunteered to help Niall.Liam help falishia up. Niall, and Zayn help me up the stairs.

They opened the door and they pushed us in. Falishia and I talk for a long time then the boys came back in.
Liam grabbed falishia they went down the stairs. I was on the bed and the boys were not going to get me out of the room without a fight. they finally won they dragged me down the stairs.

Jad ask them what took so long. Zayn told Jad that I did not want to come out of my room so I tried to told on to the bed. but that did not work very well.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora