Were am I

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When I wake up it dark I am in a small room. I don't know were I am. I get up I realize that my own hand cuffs are on me and they are really tight then the door opens it jake he asked me "why I have to be so beautiful." Then gage walks into the room and then I know he is going to kill me I get scarried and move away and move to the wall but he walks toward me and he has a gun he points it at me I tell him if you are going to kill me do it already.

but he tells me that he just wanted to scare me not to kill me. then why don't you let me go. because I want your boy friends money. you won't get it zayn is not even my boyfriend he does not even care about.

We will see about that how about we see. I tell him no. gage pulls out a phone I try to scream but jake comes behind he covers my mouth with his hand.

I try to move but I can't because the next thing I know is that I have a gun to my head. Jake is telling me to hold still or he would shoot me. I believe that he would.

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