Chapter 7 Day after the meet!

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It was dark I was still wearing my outfit from last night I woke up with the chain on my right leg. I could feel the pain of the chains bitting into my legs it hurt alot. It hurt i was starting to cry I thought Jad had changed but he just lied.

I never wanted to talk to him but when i tried I get I was not able to get up because i was in to much pain I had a scar on my back it was a knife scar. all the Sudden the door opened Jad walk in and told me to get up but I was not able to because of the scar it hurt so much. Jad told me to get up but I told I told him I couldn't.

I finally had the strength to get up but then I fainted. when I woke up I was in a bed that was back at my home. I could hear chandlers voice telling me you will be okay babe.

The next morning chandler told me all about what happened to Falishia and I they said the found us locked up in the same room but when they got their jad was gone. They don't know where he is. I was so worried you were not going to walk up babe I am so sorry.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora