Time passes

20 1 0

The person was chandler..

He told me that he was dead I can't believe that he was not even dead. I feel like he just wanted to die so that he could get rid of me. so he could be with someone else. Then when I looked up he was with Zayns ex. I was so mad I got up, so Zayn asked me if I was okay. I told him no, I got up and walk over to him and I grabbed him by the collar. chandler yelled at me, I told him "WHAT THE HELL" they said you were dead. He told me that he did not remember me and I told him to go to hell. I started to walk away then chandler grabbed my arm and we walk out side of the restaurant. he asks me why I lied to him. I told him I did not lie to him that he was got to be kidding me I really wanted to punch him he lied to me. then I walked away and once again I felt a hand grab my arm.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora