Bank vault

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I was in the bank I ask the lady at the desk if I could get into my vault. so I did and I got the idea.

They check what you pull out of you vault I gave cash in their too I will pull that out with it as I closed the vault I walked out of the bank when I see a black car pull up in front of me I could have ran but then Falishia would have been hurt so I got into the car Jad ask me if I had it I told him yes then.

as we were driving back to the wear house jad asked me if I was hungery. I told him yes so we stoped from some KFC I at the food and I told him thanks I was happy I got food.

when we got to the wear house Jad normally has his men take me back to my room but Jad took me to my room instead and asked me if I would like to go shopping an I told I would like I so he told me tomorrow we could go shopping then go to dinner I did not think Jad was that bad after all he just wants some thing and this is his way of getting it.

I was so tried so I went to bed. when I woke up I saw a face it was a mans face it was jads he told me that I needed to get up so we could go shopping. we got in to the car and we drove when we got to the mall I was wondering how is Jad going to keep me from not running away.

we were just about to pull up he told I was aloud to by anything I wanted to run Jad told me I did any thing stupid he would kill me and falishia.

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