Last moment

27 2 1


I see Louis looking up at Denise Gage and Jake are pushing me towards them. Then Gage and Jake drag me to the back of the house. STOP!! LET ME GO!!! HELP!!! Louis get Zayn, I screamed. I see all the boys come running out of the back of the house. stop right their boys unless you want to see Shayla hurt.

It would be really sad if she got hurt she is a very attractive women,said chandler. LET ME GO CHANDLER, I yelled. SHUT UP, chandler yelled. Then I gage grabbed my arms let be go you bastard, I yell at Jake. Then I hear Denise scream, DONT YOU HURT MY daughters  CHANDLER!!

I feel something sharp in my arm then I am on the ground.


WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? Zayn yelled. I gave her a medication so that should would not wake up for another 48 hours, said chandler.


Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora