R u lying

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When I woke up I was in a room i felt okay then I remembered Denise was with me then I started to look around. then I screamed DENISE, WHERE ARE YOU. Then the door opened it was Gage. I walked towards the wall. he walked towards me.

We're is Denise I said. she is safe for now but if you do any thing stupid I will kill you precious daughter isn't that right she is your daughter said Gage. don't touch her she didn't do any thing to you I yelled. why are you doing this. I said.

He walked over to me, he told me it was not something you did to me to was something your father did to me. what did he so, I asked.

He told me that my father killed his daughter when she was only 14 years old because she had hit your mother in a car accident. it killed your mother. you were only about three months old. She was killed for an accident she is now dead because of your mother. My daughter was my only family left because of your father and that's why you are here now it's all because your father killed my daughter so I am going to kill his daughter and his niece.

So is your father alive or is he dead. he is dead really because I just got a call from him,said Gage.
No you leave my daddy out of this,i yelled. but he is the one that caused me my pain so now I am going to cause him pain, said Gage.

No, I screamed you wouldn't kill my daughter. yes I would said Gage. Then he walks out.

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