Make a move!

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When I woke up I felt very dissy. it was really hard to move then I saw that I had my hand cuffs on and Denise had another set of cuffs.

Morning sleepy, said chandler. Go to hell ,i yelled. Well someone is being cranky, said chandler.
Ya because u hurt my husband and my daughter, I yelled.

I am sorry this was the only way to get you two to Australia, said chandler. what do you mean, I said. we are in Australia, said chandler. I look. Over my shoulder and Denise was waking up. hi baby, I said. hi mom, said Denise.

why are we going to Australia, I said. I have cousins in Australia, they are really famous, said chandler. Who are they asked Denise.

They are five seconds of summer, said chandler they are all about 21,22,23.
they are in your age group Shayla, said jake. shut up, I yelled at jake. well someone is being fistie, I would not do that around Ashton and Luke because they both love fistie women, said chandler.

We just landed and we were getting off of a private jet getting into a limo.

when I stopped walking chandler grabbed my arm and pushed me into the car, it really hurt.

We drove for about thirty minutes then we finally arrived.

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