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When we pulled into The drive way Denise and I were unhandcuffed then they handcuffed me to gage. chandler why did u handcuff me to Gage, I asked because he knows all my weaknesses and he knows how to hurt me mentally,
Physically said chandler

I know not to do anything stupid. we walked up to the front door they were Luke, ashton, Calum, and Michael.

Luke's Pro

When I opened the door I saw one beautiful girl she looked about 20,18,19. but she is hot, then I see chandler. hey cousin, what's up? Said Luke. I just brought my ex and her daughter with me because I have to get rid of them, said chandler.

Why do you need to get rid of them, said calum. well the taller one was a spy until I figured out she was my enemy but the man she is standing next to, said chandler.

Is a man who knows all her weaknesses so one screw up and she gets hurt, said chandler. gage come over here, said chandler. do you want me to bring her, said gage. yes, said chandler.


I was sitting down when gage tells me get up so I do. we start to walk over towards chandler they gage trips and I laugh at him and he pushes me over. when he fell the handcuff yanked on my arm.

What the hell,i yelled. that was for laughing at me,said gage. Get up yelled gage. okay I said as I got up.

Shayla this is my cousin and his friends, said chandler. boys this is my ex shayla, said shayla. Shayla this is Luke calumn Ashton and Michael.

Well how are you Shayla, asked Luke. I am fine as I looked around looking for Denise. chandler were is Denise, I asked. she is with jake, said chandler.

I don't know if I trust Jake with my child, I said. well you get to because you are with Gage and if you try to hurt anyone, you will get hurt that will really hurt by the way, said chandler. By the way Shayla all four of theses boys know how to take down a girl, said chandler. we are not afraid to hurt you if you try to leave, said Michael.

What makes you think I will try to leave without Denise,i said. By the way we know who you best friend is, said ashton. Ya and who is that,i said. Falishia,said Luke. if you touch her I will kill you, I said. you are so hot,said calumn I love girls that are fiesty ,said calumn.

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