Taken Again

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So we all say on the couch and then the boys were hungry they asked me to make them food so I did I went into the kitchen went over to the fridge and then their was someone behind me I could not tell all I now is that they had a gun to my neck and I was freaking out then the person told me to open the back door and to be quiet.

then I knew who it was it was jake he then took a note out of his pocket and placed it one to the counter and I was pushed to the back door and I opened it another person was waiting their it was gage and he was not happy he grabbed my arm and put his hand over my mouth.

he whispered into my ear don't scream or I will kill everyone in that house. so I was very quiet then gage opened the door and he let me go and I turned to run but jake was right behind me and said I don't think so bitch. then gage grabbed my arms and then threw me into the van then ever thing went black.

Back at jads house
Zayn came into the kitchen and he saw the note. he took it into the other room and then he read it out loud it said dear jad and boy, by now you know that shayla is gone and you will never get her back.

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