Why was this happening

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Falishia , preslie, denise and me all got into the car and we drive to jads house when I got their jad was police cars ever were their was no one in the cars. then I looked up they were out side of the door and inside the house. jad was in handcuffs on the couch and they were going to arrest him for kidnapping!! Which then

I walked into the room clay was standing in front of jad And two cops were escorting him to the car but I told them to stop that they could not do that and so I grabbed his arm.

I walked back to the room clay was in I asked him "what are you doing you can not take him to jail"? "Yes I can", said clay. then Jad was then to a police car. I grabbed clays arm. I asked him "what are you doing"? He told me " I am arresting Jad for kidnapping you, falishia, and Denise. Also for the murder of chandler, you remember you boyfriend. but chandler is alive he is working with gage, I said.

Then clay looked at me like I was stupid. I told him that he had to believe me. But he did not. All the police were gone then the door was open, Gage walked we all turned our heads. Denise screamed at tried to run and got to the door then Gage shot her and she fell to the floor. Then 7 men walk in and they all have guns we all are very scarried. Gage told us all to stand up, I tried to speak but he back hands me. then Gage tells us to put our hands behind our backs. then the 7 men go behind us and they put something on our wrist then I hear a snap it was zip ties. they were really tight. then 2 me. Grab Falishias arm and she is pulled outside. then Gage has Preslie taken outside. then I see 3 men standing behind me I was scaried. "I really thought you were smarter than that, why haven't you tried to run". because I know that you will shoot me. "you are right"said gage.

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