Where was I!!

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I was hit in the back of the head By some sort of gun but it hurt. all the sudden the door was opening. It was Jad he had come to tell me why I was here. he told me that my boy friend has a diamond that he wants but he would not give it an now that I have you he will have to give me it for you.

no he'll never give it to you no he will because he loves you. no he won't give it he wouldn't give that up. but he will for you. I went to get him but I could not get to him because their was a chain on my ancle. he told me I would not get out of here. He told me I could not leave until we go to meet him to get the diamond. no you will never get it.

yes I will and I will kill any one in the way. Even if you get in my way I will kill you sweet heart then he walk out. I tried to got the chain of my ancle but it didn't move at all.
the next morning could not move because I was on a chair and I could hear some one trying to wake me up it was Jad he had my boyfriend chandler on the phone. hey babe how are you chandler. who are you and where is Shayla she is safe she is safe for now.

What have you done to her. She is here with me. let me talk to her? Okay here she is! Shay babe why are they after a diamond? That's what they want? yes help me they have Falishia, Denise, and me all here help us. babe who has you It is jad.that's enought why do you want the diamond so much because I want it and if you want to see her alive again you meet by the dock at midnight I screamed then some ones hand were around my neck.

When Jad hung up the phone then I was able to breath again I got up off the chair. Jad pushed me against the wall then I felt a knife against my throat Jad told me that if I ever do that again he would cut my throat. I was .seeing black again. it was the next day the day the chandler was suppose to meet Jad and I know that he is not going to give up until he gets the diamond.

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