When i wake up

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When I woke up I had a really bad headache and so did Falishia when I woke up Gage was sitting in my bed and Jake was sitting next to falishia. when I got up Gage tried to hug me. It I got up and said "don't touch me you bastard".

then I almost fell over then I looked down and one again their are hand cuffs on my wrist. they really hurt to it was not fun with handcuffs.

Gage was making a call to Jad again. this time they put duct taped on my mouth because a gun to my head did not work. so I sat on the bed with Falishia next to me. then Gage moves us apart, the Gage puts his arm around me and he put his hand on my hip so I jump. Then he pulls me in tight. then he makes the call. jad answers the phone, jad asks if the girls are okay.

Gage says that we are fine then Liam wants to hear Falishia. then Gage puts the phone in front of Falishia. Liam asks her if she is okay if Gage has hurt her. Falishia tells him no. the Liam tells her that she loves him then Falishia says she loves liam.
Then Zayn askes to speak to me but Gage tell him that I can't talk because I have duct tape on my mouth so that I could not talk to him. then I start to have tears in my eyes. then Gage tells the boys that if they want to see us alive that they have to bring 5 million dollars each. I was really scarried about that then they said okay.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora