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Gage was on the ground Falishia, Liam, Zayn and me all went to dinner we got the restaurant and I see when I walk in it is Zany's ex girlfriend and she walks right up to him and say hi babe. Zayn tells her "I am not your babe and you are not my babe this is my babe."

I really wanted to punch her really bad and say "back off bitch he is mine." but I could not because I was trying to be nice. Then she walked away, I felt very happy when she that she had left then our waitress had come to escort us to our table so we followed her to our table but when we got to the table we all ordered shapain we all had so much but when I got to the bottom of drink their was a ring.

it was a 5 carrot blue diamond with a silver diamonds next it it I was so happy.
Then Zayn asked me to marry him but then I looked up their was someone that u saw. it was a man wearing a nice black suit looking right at me and then I realized who it was it is....

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora