Chapter: 1 My life

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I am Shayla I have two best friends they are Falishia and Denise they have been my friends sence 7th grade we all live in an apartment. we all live together we never fight. we are really good friends.

This all started when I was put on an assignment when I was put under cover bit my cover was blown my enemy's found out who I was and they wanted me and all my friends dead. but I will not let that happen,so I was on an assignment where I was and under cover bar owner and I had to find out about these people.

It started when I was 21 I was turning 21 I was celebrating my birthday. we all went to bed around 12.
The next morning.
I just woke up I got up went in to the kitchen but normally I was the last on up and went to falishias room but she was not in their. neither was Denise I thought they went to work so I got ready and went to work. My friends and I all had matching necklaces which all have charm trackers the trackers. I thought I would wait a couple of days and see what happens so they did not come home and I wonder what had happened to them.

Under coverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora