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Of all days that can be so mundane, Monday was the biggest culprit. It sucked the joy out of the weekend, dragging the wearisome body into the week ahead. It drags ever so slowly for some reason, a painful reminder just how short weekends are. Goku feeling torpid despite his decent sleep, waited at the bottom of the stairs with Adele, who had the same haggard expression. They exchanged looks briefly, before letting out long laboured sigh. Thoughts relayed back of his mind, it was becoming quite bothersome as he could tell Vegeta was hiding something from him. Although Vegeta remained adamant there was nothing, his body language stated otherwise. Hearing a car park outside, Goku and Adele exchanged looks again as they headed towards the door. Opening the door to see his father sat waiting in the car, engine still running, Goku rolled his eyes and allowed Adele to head out. It had been awkward between him and his dad since he found out about his relationship. They had started to talk again, yet it wasn't the same, it was different it felt as though bridges had been burned and near impossible to fix. They had an awkward glance smiling slightly before quickly looking away. Adele half asleep climbed into the passenger side of the car, and briefly waved. Goku watched as the car drove off before grabbing his coat, and started his journey to work.

Stepping foot into his work place, the usual cacophony of printers, keyboards filled the room at an obnoxious level. A sign of a hectic day ahead, hanging up his coat he looked over at his desk seeing paperwork neatly piled up. He groaned as he approached his desk, sluggishly he sat down staring absently at the paperwork. Tapping on the desk waiting impatiently for the computer to start up, he caught Chichi's glances; he sighed again looking back at the paperwork. He leaned back, thinking how depressing it is, doing practically monotonous tasks to earn money that is then eaten up on bills; leaving you contemplating life. His depressing thoughts were sharply cut off by laughter sounds from behind, he swivelled his chair seeing his colleagues joking about how despite them complaining about work, they still showed up doing the same shit daily. It reminded him that no matter how dull life can get, it's the people who you work with, the ones you live with, the friendships you gain; that give you a reason to get up in the morning.

After spending six gruelling hours in work, Goku swiftly threw his coat on heading out the building glancing at his phone as he walked towards the cafe that was tucked away in the corner. He had managed to get hold of Bulma during his break, if Vegeta wasn't going to open up to him, he was going to find out what's been going on himself. Anxiously he slowly approached the cafe, he stood and paused for few seconds, he didn't like the idea of going behind Vegeta's back. He sighed fighting back his urge to turn and walk away, he opened the cafe door. Warmth coated his face, fresh aromas of coffee beans quilted the room, he glanced over seeing Bulma sat in the corner of the room. He gulped before approaching the table, as he took a seat opposite he noticed Bulma's half smile as she had a cup of coffee sat waiting for him. "Thanks for meeting up with me here, I didn't want to do it back at home because I don't want Vegeta knowing about this." he smiled nervously before taking a sip of the coffee.

Bulma raised a brow resting her arms on the table. "Do you guys like to keep secrets between each other or something?" she noticed Goku's nervous look, she leaned back folding her arms. "alright, what is it?"

"Well, I've noticed you've barely been over. I mentioned it to Vegeta and he seemed to tense up about it and changed the subject. Has something happened between you?" Goku watched as Bulma bit her lip looking up at the ceiling before letting out a sigh, she looked back at Goku's confused expression.

"he hasn't told you, has he?" she raised a brow observing Goku furrowing his brows at her, she chuckled pinching the bridge of her nose. "of course he hasn't."

"told me what?" Goku gave her a brooding expression.

Bulma took a sip of her coffee before looking over at him with a closed lip smile, she paused watching as he leaned forward waiting for her to say. "I'm pregnant." she watched Goku lean back his eyes widened, mouth hung open unsure on how to respond. "yep, and that's not all. either one of you are the father. Can't make that shit up right?" she chuckled before taking another sip of coffee. "I had told him, and well, he didn't take it well either. So I've kept my distance, I thought he'd of at least of told you, considering how close you both are?"

Goku leaned forward resting his face into palm of his hands. "fuck, this is a mess." he mumbled into his hands before slowly pulling himself back to look over at Bulma. "to be honest, a lot of shit has happened and he's been closing himself off, and now this...shit!"

Bulma raised a brow watching the concern on Goku's face. "what's happened?" Goku sat tight lipped looking at the floor. She sighed leaning forward staring at him. "hey, you can tell me." she smiled reassuringly.

"it's not my place to tell...but I'm also not sure how much longer I can cope keeping it to myself." he gave Bulma a serious glance "promise you won't repeat what I'm about to tell you?" Bulma nodded. "okay..." He glanced around the room before looking back at Bulma. "We had a break up as I caught him hiding something, he tried to rectify it and it ended up him being abused. He's not been right since."

A little taken back by what she heard she leaned in closer. "was it one of his clients?"

Goku shook his head as he started to fiddle with his hands in nervousness. "We owe this gang a lot of money, something we done back in college, he was forced to do something and he had hid it from me. I got upset by's my fault what happened."

"how much money?" Bulma raised a brow.

"um, it doesn't matter we are paying it off each month." Goku forced a smile, he could tell Bulma wasn't buying it as she folded her arms with a stern look.

"How much?" she asked again watching as Goku started to wriggle on the seat. "I'm not going to judge, I want to help you." she rolled her eyes as Goku avoided her eye contact, she stood him and walked over kneeling in front of Goku. "you are going to tell me everything, right from the beginning." She rested her hand on his knee looking up at him, Goku gulped seeing the seriousness on her face.

Back at home, Vegeta was sat in the dark flashbacks invading his mind, he curled himself up into a ball; focusing on his breathing. He glanced at his watch scrunching up his eyebrows, usually Goku would be home by now. Feeling his heart beating at an unsteady rate, he closed his eyes doing his best to calm himself down; slowly things started to bring him back to his present state. He glanced over at his laptop, he slowly sat himself up opening the laptop, there staring at him was the blog Adele had created; he sat in silence resting his index finger on his lip as he leaned forward staring at it, lost in thoughts.

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