Another visit

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Sat at the break out area Goku was leaning against the chair looking over at the clock. Yamcha sat next to him with Tien, he drowned out their talking about Valentine's Day. Vegeta had told him he was fully booked with clients that day, it left him feeling a little bitter as they haven't been intimate. Last time was before their break up and that was a good few weeks ago. He sighed with a blank expression settled on his face, Yamcha nudged him in the arm causing him to look over at the corner of his eye.

"Take it you aren't doing anything for valentines?" Yamcha swung on his chair.

"Nah,it's too over commercialised." Goku shrugged. "Probably be watching tv or something like a normal day."

"See this is where you are lucky, you don't have to deal with a girlfriend who expects to be wine, dined and showered with gifts. Like fuck, the stuff we have to do to get laid!" Yamcha looked up at the ceiling with an exasperated sigh.

"Least she's not expecting you to propose. Wonder how many will be expecting a child come November?" Tien quirked brow at Yamcha, he almost fell back off his chair.

"Oh fuck no!" Yamcha shook his head "fuck that shit, too much responsibility for starters. Just Netflix chill and get the fuck outta there."

Goku shook his head watching them both discussing about valentines. "Sounds like you got all this planned out." He chuckled as he looked back at the clock.

"You alright there? You eager to get back to work or something?" Yamcha asked as he looked at the clock back at Goku.

"Hm?" Goku kept his stare on the clock.

Tien raised a brow and exchanged looks with Yamcha. "You'll get used to this." Yamcha shrugged at him before clicking his fingers in front of Goku's face.

Goku shook his head rubbing his temples before looking over at his colleagues. "Sorry, just wanting to make sure I get my work done before the deadline." He lied, he was anxious as Frieza's men were collecting their payment today. He was hoping not to be late so not to leave Vegeta alone with them.

As their break was over, Goku rushed to his desk to make a start, he knew if he got so much done before end of day, he'd be allowed to leave five minutes early. Chichi looked over observing Goku's anxious expression.

"You know we got plenty time to get this done right?!" Chichi leaned back on her chair folding her arms.

"Tell you what." Goku turned to face her "I focus on my work, you focus on yours!"

Chichi wrinkled her nose up as she scoffed at him. "You know you shouldn't bring your personal life into work!" With that she stuck her nose up and went back to her work.

Goku sighed realising how harsh he was. "Sorry."

Chichi looked back at him taken back. "thank you."
They both smiled at each other before going back into their work.

They both would glance over at each other occasionally trying to struck up a sentence to break the awkward barrier between them. Chichi tapped her nails on the keyboard causing clacking sounds, he noticed Goku glaring slightly before looking back at his monitor. She pursed her lips before swivelling her chair to face Goku. "Heard you and Vegeta are dating again." She forced a smile.

Goku looked over at her furrowing his brows. "Yes, and?"

Chichi rolled her eyes as she let out a laboured sigh "well that's good that you two are trying to make it work."

Goku chewed the inside of his lip, not wanting to get snarky back at her. He gave her a false smile and a nod before turning to face his work again.


Vegeta reluctantly answered the door he anxiously looked at his watch, sweat dropped from his forehead as Goku had promised he'd be home before they showed up. Jeice walked in with Frieza they both gave Vegeta a grin. Vegeta avoided eye contact as he passed them envelope. Frieza has Jeice count the cash, as he gripped the sides of Vegeta's face and shoved him into the wall.

"How are you feeling after our last visit? Did you sleep well?" Frieza glared deeply, his grin widened watching as Vegeta tried to squirm free. "You weren't much of a fighter in bed, I have to say that." He glanced over at Jeice who smirked whilst continuing to count the money. He watched as Vegeta looked at him with begging eyes, he rolled his eyes and let go of him, smirking as Vegeta rubbed his cheeks. "I sure hope you have learned from that ordeal."Vegeta looked to the side avoiding to look back. Frieza pushed Vegeta against the wall and spat at his face. "You look at me when I am talking to you!" He smirked as Vegeta looked at him with panic set in his eyes, his body trembling. "Good boy." He let go of his grip and looked over as Jeice shook his head and glared at Vegeta. "Haven't made the usual double you been making?!"

"It's been quiet." Vegeta could feel his voice tremble slightly in fear.

"Now look, I've agreed to you not selling the drugs in hope you'd carry on double amount each month. Sooner it's all paid off, sooner I'm out of your life. Unless you are enjoying this?!" Frieza gritted his teeth shaking his head in disappointment. "I'm very, very disappointed in you!" As he took a step forward Vegeta cornered himself up against the wall. The front door opened causing Vegeta to let out a breath of relief. Frieza turned seeing Goku holding the door open.

"You've got what you came here for." Goku glared back at Frieza ignoring Jeice who was stood in front of him.

Frieza looked back at Vegeta observing the way Vegeta was looking over at Goku. He laughed shaking his head. "Oh now that I didn't expect to see."

Jeice quirked his brows over at Frieza. "You want me to rough them up?"

Frieza walked towards to door placing his hand on Jeice shoulder. "No, I think they do a fine job of that themselves." He smirked at Goku. "Since you are so kind to leave the door open for me, I shall leave as requested. I expect an extra payment next week!" He walked out with Jeice looking over confused.

Goku slammed the door behind him, he walked over to Vegeta "sorry I-" he felt lips crash against his, arms holding him tightly. They both embraced into a passionate kiss.

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