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Goku let out a sigh of despair as he closed his heavy eye lids, in his sleeplessness state he became drunk on silence. Hours ticked by, his thoughts had left long ago, leaving fatigued neurons to fire almost randomly-flailing without direction. Wanting to be absorbed into the darkness the night had promised hours ago, wanting to feel refreshed to the natural morning light; have the unawareness of the hours between then and now. He knitted his eyebrows together,he knew there was just no point on trying to sleep now, yet he remained laying there with his eye lids closed in hope of some miracle. He felt soft fingers trail down to his abs then back up to his collarbone, he bit his lip feeling as they brushed, and gently squeezed on his nipple. There was just no point trying to fight with his body now, his eyes snapped open, he moved his head to the side seeing Vegeta watching him with a brooding expression. Fingers slowly, painfully, and sensually move down his body.

"You haven't slept much I take it?" Vegeta kept his eyes on Goku as his fingers drew closer to Goku's crotch.

Not wanting Vegeta to stop, he slid his boxers down to allow Vegeta more access to roam. Vegeta smirked leaning into him, rewarding him with slow delicate kisses down his neck, as Vegeta's hand wrapped round his now aching member.  "Mm, don't you think this may be a bit risky?" Vegeta whispered between his kiss as he started to stoke Goku's cock "how can I be certain you will keep quiet, when I make you shoot your load in my mouth?" He smirked feeling Goku writhe in response. He quickened the pace of his strokes, grinning as Goku tilted his head back doing his best to keep his lips sealed shut.

"Please..." Goku let out a pant "please!" Was all he could say as he fought back from any other noise wanting to escape from his mouth.

Vegeta looked at Goku with a broad smile. "Please what babe?" He released his hand from the cock letting out a small whine from Goku's mouth. Goku thrust his hips looking over at Vegeta with pleading eyes. Vegeta's broad smile widened. "Eager are we?" He planted a kiss roughly on Goku's lips, Goku's hands caressed sides of his face as their kiss roughened, lips smacking hungry for more, fighting for dominance morning breaths coating their face. Vegeta broke from the kiss, Goku's hands rested to his sides,his body writhing feeling soft kisses travel sensually down his body. Vegeta paused as he got to the pulsating cock, he looked up seeing Goku biting his lip anticipating the next move. He began to stroke the cock again with his hand as he planted soft kisses on the head, before tracing his tongue around it at a slow pace; which caused Goku to writhe more. He gripped on the cock harder, stroking it hard and slow as he continued to tease the head with his tongue. Goku let out soft moan and quickly covered his mouth, Vegeta smirked before enveloping his mouth around the head sucking lightly, before guiding his mouth down to meet his hand, he slowly slid his mouth back up with hard sucks, pausing as he twirled his tongue around the head before sliding back down. He repeated this step a few times, observing Goku's body twitching, his breathing becoming more shallow, he moved his hand and slid his mouth all the way down, having the cock twitch at the back of his throat. He started to suck hard, fast, breathing through his nose, his fingers massaged the perineum knowing that sent Goku more off the edge; deep in pleasure.

Goku gripped hard on the bedding beneath him, his knuckles whitening as he panted fighting back his moans. "oh...I'm getting close!" he panted, his eyes half lidded in lust. He felt pressure slowly travelling up to the head of his cock as it was being engulfed in warm wet mouth. "ah...shit, shit!" a moan slipped out. The bedroom door swung open just as he released inside Vegeta's mouth. 

"Merry Chri....oop!" Adele stood crimson covering her mouth, eyes widened as she saw Goku snap his eyes open, Vegeta sat up wiping the corners of his mouth. She fought back a laugh as Goku covered his face with a pillow, she quickly ran out closing the door behind her.

"just kill me now!" Goku muffled under the pillow.

Vegeta laughed as he pulled Goku's boxers up. "well she will think twice before running into people's rooms like that."

"I can't face them now, not after that!" Goku winced moving the pillow from his face.

"be grateful that's all she seen." Vegeta leaned in planting a kiss on Goku's lips before climbing out of bed to get changed. "I doubt she will say anything to your parents, she's probably embarrassed herself." he looked over at Goku's worried expression whilst putting on his clothes.

Goku followed Vegeta hesitantly down the stairs to meet his parents and Adele by the kitchen. He avoided the awkward glances from his father and cousin. They sat in silence eating their breakfast, Adele unsure where to look would occasionally glance over at both Goku and Vegeta giving them an awkward smile before looking down at her food.

"Well, this is a nice start to Christmas." Gine smiled looking around at everyone. she noticed Adele staring at her food tight lipped. "what's the matter?"

"I'd rather stay here!" Adele huffed still looking down at her food.

"Your mother would like to spend some time with you." Gine sighed as she looked towards Bardock for support.

"Look, even if it's just for few hours then you can come back with us?!" Bardock stared over at Adele watching as she rolled her eyes.

Goku tapped his fingers , chewing the insides of his mouth, he felt Vegeta rest his hand on his lap under the table. He noticed a glare from his father causing him to let out a cough as he slid Vegeta's hand off him. "So, you guys  ready for your journey back home?" he smiled nervously avoiding eye contact with Adele.

"I'm so sorry we can't spend the day with you, hope you understand though." Gine looked over at Adele before back at Goku.

Goku smiled giving a nod "It's fine, we were just going to get a takeaway anyways."

As they finished their breakfast, Goku helped his parents pack their car whilst Vegeta tidied up the dishes and headed into the lounge area.

"I've left your gifts under the tree." Gine smiled before giving Goku a peck on the cheek. "be good!"

Goku smiled slightly watched as they left, it seemed no matter how old he got he was still treated as a child.  He staggered into the house towards the lounge, he tutted and sighed as Vegeta was sprawled out on the sofa with the tv on whilst scrolling through his emails. He walked towards the tree and pulled out a medium sized box handing it to Vegeta which caught him by surprise.

"the fuck? you know I don't care about this nonsense?" Vegeta quirked his brow as he sat himself up staring at the box.

"ha, I know but I think you will appreciate this." Goku smiled awaiting for Vegeta to unwrap it.

Vegeta grinned at him "this isn't some sex toys you've picked up is it?" He laughed seeing Goku's cheeks glow crimson.

"just open it!" Goku playfully shoved him.

Vegeta sighed, he started to unwrap the present before his eyes widen looking back at Goku. "what's this?" pulling out headphones.

"stop you stealing mine!" Goku tapped Vegeta's legs to move to allow him to sit next to him. Vegeta rested his legs on top of Goku's. "it's been winding me up whenever I find them lying else where."

"you know I'll probably still borrow yours right?" Vegeta grinned watching as Goku leaned his head back staring at the tv. he felt bottom of his feet being tickled, he bucked his legs out the way glaring over at Goku who grinned still staring at the tv. "you dick!" Vegeta tucked his feet away from Goku, smiling over at him. "thank you, I like them."

"thought you might." Goku smiled back, he watched as Vegeta's attention went back on the laptop, he sighed before staring back at the tv.

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